
主题:【原创】美国人打仗怕死吗? -- 晨枫

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家园 Re: Re 快吻兄

Thank you for the insightful reply. Here is my two cents:

>>1.意见的表达是最没有的。lip service 又是富人最能干了,就不谈了。

Partially agreed. The difference I like to say is that in US not only are the rich good at lip service, but also the poor. It is across the board. (In fact you puzzled me a little about the "最没有的" part. But I think I guessed it right)


The following is from a conservative site. Cannot promise it is 100% accurate but should not be too far from the reality:

Taxes paid by highest incomes

The top 1% pay 22.7% of taxes.

The top 10% pay 50% of taxes.

The top 20% pay 65.3% of taxes.

The top 40% pay 84.3% of taxes.

Taxes paid by lowest incomes

The bottom 20% pay 1.1% of taxes.

The bottom 40% pay 6.1% of taxes.”

As for "大规模为前线捐款物的。", hm, unheard of.(I can be really wrong about it) I guess someone has to come up to be the expert and provide some sources to support the claim, eh?


Agreed. But aren’t we talking about 5% vs 95%? It must be true that the poor do more. Also, do not forget that the doctors/physicians/surgeons/etc. are pretty much in the class of the rich. And forgive me for being ignorant, I have not heard of any news about any case of “大规模为前线义务劳动照顾伤员”

>>4.出人流血。除了Pat Tillman (出生平民的体育明星,其实并不是很有钱),我没有听说有任何贵族(像肯尼迪)和富豪(如巴菲特索罗斯)家的子弟伤亡的。

Good point! (Though 肯尼迪 family’s boys at right age to serve pretty died out. You cannot really blame them. Purely tragic.)

Cannot really find out the break down based on families. DOD does not seem provide such info.(Do you have any info about it? Could you kindly share it?) The only info I can help with is the following (congressional members' kids serving in military)

Sen Jim Webb (D-VA) son, Marine serving in OIF

Sen Tim Johnson (D-SD) son, Marine serving in OIF

Sen Max Baucus (D-MT) lost a nephew in OIF

Sen Sam Brownback (R-KS) niece & nephew in OIF

Sen Kit Bond (R-MO) son, Marine serving OIF

Rep Joe Wilson (R-SC) son, serving OIF

Rep Todd Akin (R-MO) son, serving OIF

Rep Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) stepson & his wife serving in OIF

Rep Kenny Hulshof (R-MO) brother-in-law, soldeir serving in OIF

Rep Duncan Hunter (R-CA) son, Marine serving in OIF


Congratulations! Well done! Heaven knows it is hard to get into the 5% bracket. Best wishes for you.“富人” or not, do not downplay your success. If you really want to know the situation for the poor and why you are indeed rich, let me know. I am more than happy to help.

Last but not least, I really do not understand why we even argue. You asked the question “美军在伊阿二地已阵亡超过6300人,不知最富的5%的家庭有没有贡献约300名子弟呢” I tried to help you and provided some data. You changed the topic to “我特别想看看最富的1%的家庭有没有贡献出63名男儿的性命”Once again, I tried to help you and provided the some other data. You changed the top to “我们只谈911后富人和穷人是不是一样patriotic/爱国”. Well I am not a professional guy of war stats and all I am trying is to help you with some info you need/ask for. More, I am really bad at arguing.

I did say “my overall point is that the rich in US is just as patriotic as all people in this forum.” I guess I could be quite wrong. Overall, few people in this forum (including me) served/is serving/will serve in the military. (I myself cannot claim I am more patriotic than the average poor or rich and I don’t.) What I tried to say is there is no much difference among peoples. (not absolutely no, but not by much)

I hope it helps. Have a wonderful day.

Cheers and good luck.

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