主题:【原创】性格即命运----谈彭,林两位元帅 -- 话龙点今
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First of all, we could only speculate here since AnYing untimingly lost his
life. Secondly, he'd be more likely to become a little Jiang than a
little Kim because he, like little Jiang spent his forming years in Russia,
where, they were inevitably instilled with, to some extent, ideals of
Democracy and Christianity.
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岸英若活着,文革规模会小很多,老毛不用费神选接班人了。 张丹宁 字0 2003-08-06 00:15:29
也难说,朱元璋刘邦也都有接班人,不还是杀功臣? 东张西望 字0 2003-08-06 00:43:43
事有二分 leutron 字130 2003-08-06 00:20:45
很难讲啊 leutron 字269 2003-08-06 01:13:28
Re:很难讲啊 JinzhouHB 字690 2003-08-06 02:01:01
贴一个金正日的简历,网上搜的,没考证过 自向荒郊寂寞红 字3624 2003-08-06 01:12:04
忍不住说几句。 3 养猪状元 字742 2003-08-05 23:52:31