
主题:【原创】我来发个系列,说说社保的问题 -- puma2011

  • 共: 💬 140 🌺 1121
on 说实话我很奇怪中国政府既然建立了个人帐户,为什么还


--nothing surprising.

--It is called nominal pension account system: you contributed money, gov. accrues and nominally recognizes a percentage of growth(based on historical average), but NO MONEY IS REALLY LEFT FOR YOU TO WITHDRAW AT ANY TIMe, unlike American IRA, 401k and Roth IRA (in Canada, they are RRSP, company defined contribution pension, TSFA) Actually, in China, the provincial-level pension system is a big black hole and ticking bomb.

With China's current political infrastructure and corruption, any new money flowing into this system will be squandered into free food/drink for local officials as well as Swiss account secret deposits.

There is nothing 奇怪: you need to read much more materials to prepare this series. It is a difficult topic, since there are Anglo system, as well as continental European system. Europeans have much longer history on SS than the North Americans. You should have focused on Europe rather than America.

BTW, the defined benefits system 企业的养老金:pension. 这个东西就是以前我国国企的退休金--yes, socialism nations and capitalism nations learned from each other. I think Ford is one of the earliest companies that implemented the defined benefits system in States, around late 1920s.

For all American and Canadian publicly traded firms, those pension liabilities were unfunded liabilities (just like in China) until 1960s. After a heated debate over almost 10 years, auditors won the game and finally pushed through the new pension accounting standards to force all publicly traded companies to recognize and disclose their pension underfunding situation.



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