
主题:【原创】老上海 -- 晨枫

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家园 no. ECB president

has made the war announcement. It is not the time to fight a central bank.

Wait and see a final shocking report from the French banking sector. We need one more year to let the iceberg emerge in front of Titanic.

我总觉得很有一种很strong的market economy fundementalism

--no, not my intention at all. The interpretation really comes from people's perception.

My point: capital inflow revived Shanghai and market competition made this once crappy historical building shine again. 作为一个老上海人,还是为上海重现辉煌而高兴的。

I have to say that it is now much much better than I visited it for the first time, several decades ago. In my memory from childhood, it was just another down-and-out old building: neither French, nor English, nor Jewish, in terms of building style.

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