
主题:【求助】征求一个书单 -- 日出日落

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家园 【欣赏】非 真是个有心人! 鲜花!补充几个单子li没有的

1。 英文写作的经典小册子, 刚到者必备 (看似简单都学过,其实不然)

《The Elements of Style 》, Fourth Edition,William Strunk Jr.(头版: 1918年)


 《 The Adventure of Huckleberry fin 》 爆笑

   《 The Adventure of Tom Sawyer 》 轻笑


《Man's Search For Meaning》by Viktor E. Frankl 。 很好看的小册子

(Viktor E. Frankl是1930 - Graduated from the University of Vienna Medical School

1940-42 - Director of the Neurological Department of the Rothschild Hospital

1946-70 - Director of the Vienna Neurological Policlinic

1985 - Viktor Emil Frankl, M.D., Ph.D., was a recipient of the Oksar Pfister Award presented by the American Psychiatric Association.

3。 育儿类:

《 What to Expect When You're Expecting》 Third Edition BY Heidi Murkoff。 面面具到!

《What to Expect the First Year》, Second Edition by Heidi Murkoff


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