
主题:【原创翻译】普希金《叶甫盖尼·奥涅金》 -- 九霄环珮

  • 共: 💬 80 🌺 304
Oops, 这才是第二节:

Winter! The peasant, celebrating,

in a flat sledge inaugurates the track;

his naggy, having sensed the snow,

shambles at something like a trot.

Plowing up fluffy furrows,

a bold kibitka flies:

the driver sits upon his box

in sheepskin coat, red-sashed.

Here runs about a household lad,

upon a hand sled having seated "blackie,"

having transformed himself into the steed;

the scamp already has frozen a finger.

He finds it both painful and funny-while

his mother, from the window, threatens him...



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