主题:【原创】量子生物学 I 摘要和前言 -- witten1
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特别喜欢 <原罪的基因> 一书
Genetics of Orginal Sin
- The impact of Natural Selection on the Future of Humanity
Christian de Duve (Nobel Laureate) with Neil Patterson
Yale University Press 2010
576.8 DED
ISBN 978-0-300-16507-4
原著Génétique du péché originel,
Editions Odile Jacob 2009
ISBN 978-2-7381-2218-6
因为教会的创世论和达尔文的进化论有很多的争议, 我到图书馆找到了达尔文的原著和其他相关书籍来翻阅.
<原罪的基因> 一书是我看到的最好的. 简明扼要, 经典之作. 不知道现在有没有中译本出来. 我很想推荐给广大的中文读者, 如果河里有大牛愿意翻译/出版就好了. 作者Christian de Duve是获得过诺奖的资深教授, 出版过多本著作. 这本书可能是他老人家(今年96岁)的最后一本.
迪夫主要的研究領與在生物化學與細胞生物學,他發現了細胞中的一些胞器,包括過氧化體(peroxisome)、與溶體(lysosome)。1974年,由於對細胞構造的研究,而與阿爾伯特·克勞德(Albert Claude)及喬治·帕拉德(George Palade)共同獲得諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎。近年的研究則主要在於生命的起源,例如內共生學說
1 A Guided Tour of the Living Cell (1984) ISBN 0-7167-5002-3
2 Blueprint For a Cell: The Nature and Origin of Life (1991) ISBN 0-89278-410-5
3 Vital Dust: Life As a Cosmic Imperative (1996) ISBN 0-465-09045-1
4 Life Evolving: Molecules, Mind, and Meaning (2002) ISBN 0-19-515605-6
5 Singularities: Landmarks on the Pathways of Life (2005) ISBN 978-0-521-84195-5
Part I The History of Life on Earth
1. The Unity of Life
- advancing knowledge has swept away centrisms
- earth has a history
- life also has a history
- all living beings share a number of basis properties
- the history of life is written into molecular sequences
- biological evolution is an established fact
- opposition to evolution on religious grounds is widespread
- 人类的知识进步彻底扫除了"人中心论"
- 地球的历史
- 生命的历史
- 一切生物都有共同的属性
- 生命的历史记录在分子序列中
- 生物进化是不争的事实
- 用宗教理由来反对进化论的现象很普遍
2. The Origin of Life
- life appeared on Earth shortly after the young planet has become phyically able to harbor it
- The origin of life is not known, but the only scientifically acceptable hyposis is that it arose naturally
- The building blocks of life arise spontaneously throughout the universe
- Earth formed a "cauldron" in which cosmic building blocks could interact
- the first steps in the origin of life were chemical in nature
- the appearance of RNA was a key step in the origin of life
- 地球成为年轻的行星后不久,刚刚具备条件,生命便开始出现
- 生命的起源尚不清楚,但科学上可以接受的假设是,生命是自然产生的
- 构成生命的积木块在整个宇宙太空中都是自发的产生的
- 地球形成了一个"大锅",宇宙太空中的生命积木块可能注入
- 生命的起源的第一步本质上是化学反应
- RNA的出现是生命起源过程中的一个关键步骤
3. The Evolution of Life
- Microbes have left few fossile vestiges but many other traces of their long duration on Earth
- Bacteria separated into two main groups
- Atmospheric oxygen was a major contribution of life to Earth
- The birth of eukaryotic cells inaugurated a new living world
- Endosymbosis was a key phenomenon in the development of eukaryotes
- Protists are the ultimate champions of unicellularity
- Multicellularity allowed division of labor
- Born in water, plants were the first multicellular organisms to invade land
- The evolution of animals developed around the alimentary function
- Marine invertebrates inaugurated animal life
- Body segementation opened the way to vertebrates
- Several distinct animal lineages moved from water to land
- Dinosaurs gave rise to birds and mammals
- 微生物留下的化石遗迹很少,但它们在地球上漫长岁月的存在有很多其他痕迹
- 细菌分为两大类
- 大气氧的出现,对地球生命的发展是一个重大的贡献
- 真核细胞的诞生,开创了新的生物世界
- 内共生Endosymbosis是真核生物的发展中一个关键的现象
- 原生生物是单细胞的最终冠军
- 多细胞构成分工不同的多细胞协作
- 植物是第一个从水中发展到陆地上的多细胞生物
- 动物的进化来源于消化道功能的演变
- 海洋无脊椎动物开创了动物的生命
- 身体分段为脊椎动物的形成开辟了道路
- 有几个不同的动物谱系从水生到陆地
- 恐龙引发了鸟类和哺乳动物的出现
Part II The Mechanisms of Life
4. Metabolism
- living cells are chemial factories
- living cells extract the energy they need from their surroundings
- thousands of specific catalysts are involved in metabolic reactions
- metabolic pathways form networks of enormous complexity
- we are what our catalysts are
- the history of metabolism goes back to the earliest days of life
- 活细胞就是一个化工厂
- 活细胞从周围的环境中提取能量
- 代谢反应需要数以千计的各种催化剂参与
- 各种代谢途径形成了极其复杂的网络
- 我们实际上是由催化剂决定的
- 新陈代谢的历史可以追溯到生命的最早期
5. Reproduction
- reproduction started with molecular replication
- with the appearance of cells, cell division was added to molecular replication in biological reproduction
- multicellular beings reproduce by way of single mother cells
- the mother cell of multicellular beings arises from two parental cells by sexual reproduction
- chromosome doubling caused by sexual reproduction is corrected by meiosis during gamete maturation
- sexual reproduction is the laboratory of evolution
- male and female gametes differ
- plant reproduction involves spores
- seeds and fruits harbor, until germination, the plant embryos issued from fertilized eggs
- fungi also reproduce by way of spores
- in animals, parent mobility favors union between spermatozoa and oocytes
- the fertilized egg of vertebrates has always developed in an aqueous medium
- 生殖源于分子复制
- 因为有了细胞,生物繁殖的分子复制过程需要添加细胞分裂
- 多细胞生物的单性繁殖
- 多细胞生物的两性繁殖
- 两性繁殖所造成的染色体加倍问题通过减数分裂形成成熟的配子来解决
- 两性繁殖就是进化实验室
- 雄性和雌性配子的不同
- 植物繁殖通过孢子
- 种子存放在果实里,直到发芽,从受精卵开始的植物的胚胎
- 真菌也通过孢子繁殖
- 在动物中,双亲可以行走移动, 有利于精子和卵细胞之间的联盟
- 脊椎动物的受精卵无一不是在水性介质中发育
6. Development
- the first accounts of embryological development were purely descriptive
- experimental embryology began to decipher developmental mechanisms
- development is ruled by transcriptional gene control
- genes are organized by transcription into a hierarchy dominated by master gene
- homeotic genes are master genes of central importance
- evolution and development are intimately linked
- 胚胎发育的最早记录是描述性的
- 实验胚胎学开始破解各种发育机制
- 发育是有规则的,由转录基因控制
- 各种基因由转录基因组织形成一个由主基因主导的层次结构
- 同源异型基因是至关重要的主基因
- 进化和发育是紧密联系的
7. Natural Selection
- at the start lies heredity
- artificial selection exploits the imperfection of heredity for defined purposes
- Maltus introduced the notion of the "struggle for life"
- Natural selection lets the "struggle for life" choose passively among the diversity created by the imperfections of heredity
- natural selection acts under our own eyes
- the mutations subjected to natural selection are accidental events devoid of finality
- the role of chance in evolution is limited by strigent constraints
- cases of optimizing selection are more frequent than long believed
- evolution is largely molded by environmental conditions
- certain evolutionary events could be potentially present in genomes and made manifest by favorable environmental conditions
- 从遗传开始
- 利用遗传缺陷达到特定目的
- Maltus提出的“生存竞争”
- 自然选择通过“生存竞争”被动的从五花八门的遗传缺陷中挑选出合适的
- 自然选择就发生在我们自己的眼下
- 受到自然选择的基因突变是偶然事件,没有终极目的
- 机会在进化过程中的作用受限于严格的约束
- 优化选择比长久以来人们认为的更频繁
- 进化主要是由环境条件塑造的
- 某些的进化事件可能仍存在在基因组中,并且可能在有利的环境条件下显现
8. Other Evolutionary Mechanisms
- Lamark advocated the heredity of acquired characters
- DNA cannot be a vector of Lamarckian heredity
- cases of Lamarckian heredity that do not involve DNA exist
- genetic drift accompanies evolution without selection
- self-organization could theorectically drive evolutionary events
- were some key evolutionary steps guided by "intelligent design"?
- 拉马克主张获得的特点可以遗传
- DNA不是拉马克遗传的载体
- 拉马克遗传的案例不涉及DNA的存在
- 遗传漂变(genetic drift)伴随着没有选择性的进化
- 自组织理论上可以促成进化事件
- 进化的关键步骤是“智能设计”导致的吗?
Part III The Human Adventure
9. The Emergence of Humans
- Africa is the cradle of humankind
- they were not yet human, but they already made stone tools
- prehumans started out of Africa for the first time some two million years ago
- a second wave of migrations started once again out of Africa
- the acquisition of language was a crucial step in hominization
- Cro-Magnon inaugurated modern humans
- what happened to the Neanderthals?
- modern humans remain the only survivors from the adventure out of which they were born
第三部分 人类的冒险
- 非洲是人类的摇篮
- 他们还不是人类,但他们已经做出了石制工具
- 前人类大约二百万年前第一次开始走出非洲
- 第二次走出非洲的迁移浪潮再次开始
- 获得语言是成为人类的至关重要的一步
- 克罗马农开创现代人类
- 尼安德特人发生了什么事?
- 现代人类仍然是离开出生地冒险的唯一的幸运儿
10. Making the Human Brain
- the brain is constructed with neurons
- the cerebral cortex is the mysterious site of conscience
- it took six hundred million years for the animal brain to reach, in chimpanzees, a volume of 21.4 cubic inches
- in the human line, it took two to three million years for the brain volume to expand from 21.4 to 82.4 cubic inches
- the expansion of the human brain went through a number of successive plateaus
- 大脑由神经元构成
- 大脑皮层是形成意识的神秘之地
- 动物的大脑花了6亿年的时间才达到,黑猩猩的21.4立方英寸体积
- 人类的大脑用了两到三百万年的时间,脑容量扩大到82.4立方英寸
- 人类的大脑扩大经历了多个停滞期
11. Shaping Our Genes
- hominization involved an astonishingly small number of individuals
- hominization probably started with bipedalism, which was selectively advantageous in the local terrain
- brain expansion dominated the second major stage of hominization
- the vagaries of environmental change probably guided the migrations that characterized the third stage of hominization
- hominization: chance or necessity? summit or stage?
- 人类化竟然从少数几个灵长动物开始
- 人类化可能开始于两足行走,有利于当地的地形
- 人类化第二阶段以脑扩张为主
- 人类化第三阶段是以迁移来适应变幻莫测的环境
- 人类化:偶然还是必然?一次到位还是分阶段?
12. The cost of Success
- taking advantage of the powers of their brains, humans have proliferated beyond all measure and exploited a major part of the planet's resources for their own benefit
- the history of humanity is a perpetual succession of wars and conflicts
- the inordinate evolutionary success of the human species has been acquired at the expense of a severe deterioration of living conditions on Earth
- if it continues in the same direction, humankind is headed for frightful ordeals, if not its own extinction
- 人类利用他们的大脑的力量,已经超越一切限制遍布全球,并为自己的利益利用了地球上的大部分资源
- 人类的历史就是永恒的战争和冲突
- 人类进化极度成功是以地球上的生活条件严重恶化为代价的
- 如果不改变方向,人类正在走向可怕的痛苦,如果没有自我灭绝
13. Original Sin
- natural selection has indiscriminately privileged all the personal qualities that contribute to the immediate success of individuals
- natural selection has privileged traits favoring cohesion within groups and hostility among different groups
- natural selection has not privileged the foresight and wisdom needed for sacrificing immediate benefits for the sake of future
- orginal sin is none other than the fault written into human genes by natural selection
- the only possibility of redemption from genetic orginal sin lies in the unique human ability to act against natural selection
- 自然选择盲目地促成一切有助于个人的成功的优势积累
- 自然选择倾向于促成群体内部的凝聚和不同群体之间的敌意
- 自然选择没有远见和智慧,为了长远利益牺牲眼前的利益
- 原罪就是自然选择写进人类基因的错误代码
- 赎回遗传上的原罪只能依靠人类对抗自然选择的独特的能力
Part IV The Challenges of the Future
14. Option 1: Do Nothing
15. Option 2: Improve Our Genes
16. Option 3: Rewire the Brain
17. Option 4: Call on Religious
18. Option 5: Protect the Environment
19. Option 6: Give Women a Chance
20. Option 7: Control Population
- 相关回复 上下关系8
🙂呵呵 2 花大熊 字148 2013-01-01 00:06:44
🙂Good point. witten1 字0 2013-01-01 01:51:07
🙂说先有量子进化是不妥当的 2 witten1 字251 2012-12-31 22:46:48
🙂特别喜欢 <原罪的基因> 一书
🙂现在发主题贴确实不方便 witten1 字66 2012-12-31 18:33:25
🙂排版也有问题 witten1 字92 2012-12-31 18:08:40
🙂这个,河里居然没人讨论。。。 2 witten1 字26 2012-12-31 15:03:21
🙂好像现在在河里编辑文字的时候无法加颜色? witten1 字0 2012-12-31 02:18:28