
主题:【原创】为什么汉语是世界上最先进的语言(上) -- 冷酷的哲学

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u'r right on money, man

how much is the money here? it depends.

and thx 4 u and others and the original author of this languange post, very thought invoking.

sorry 4 keeping using english, faster typing 4 me.

Now, as witten1 and me posted somewhere, that chinese is more of "qm" model, while english is more of conventional macro physics/math model.

witten1: http://www.ccthere.com/article/3848389

chinese=超级薛定諤貓, unitary2 晓兵 字338 2013-02-19 20:03:31

...... 语言 as a 高阶qm系统1 晓兵 字544 2013-02-19 20:52:04

if chinese as a 语言="高阶qm系统"

"gd" or "bad", it depends;


"gd" part of chinese:

Buchanan科学时评之带着时间赌博(下) 6 witten1 字2706 2012-12-31 21:12:20

.. "一个从未被系综平均表现出来的点", very gd5 晓兵 字3261 2013-02-08 13:11:50

high politics, high finance, high humanity stuff, such as "art", and all kinds of mind 忽悠 (of course not all of them, but most of them most of the time, or we would be already in a communist heaven type society), their models are basically still kind of conventional physics/math model based, BUT with a tons of 相对论效应 and/or 量子效应 "real time"修正, and "generate together with environment" the consequent 相變, if I may abuse all the above 语言 for the moment .

相變 scares market, and the working mass, putting them into the directionless spiritual spin, looking for non-church type "direction" leaders with tears in their eyes, because "church" leaders models are too "old", not as new as "them white"'s "4-vector" or "us-yellow"s 3 represention, if I may abuse those expressions for the moment, etc

But leaders are not free, they are actually very expensive, show me the money, baby.

of course, 相變 is not all made by "leaders" and leaders themselves are often of the victims of 相變 , but of course, not very often:

"normalizaiont and renormalization" are very often not "normal", paritcularly in high politics, high finance, high art, once leaders=4 ever leaders, kind of;

and that is why qm model base AI needs to come faster to normalize the current"classical information system", so society pays less tax to those high politics, high finance and high art groups-based informational "leaders", and give more chances to the non-leaders in those high profit marign businesses, to catch up and to innovate.

of course, "gd" part of chinese as a languange also helps the emerging of outstanding "non-poltical" scientists such as prof chen and yang, I would think, and there will be more of them in future, I hope, at least.


Now the "bad"

even @纳秒级别。(1皮秒=1/1000纳秒=1/1000,000,000,000秒, 苹果播放器, "数字音频的基本原理就是把连续的模拟信号在离散的时间点上进行采样(Sampling),进而形成数字化的信息", etc.

this is still conventional physics and math 系综 based 信息论 model, where conventional 信息论 logic still matters, qm 信息论 logic may start to matter a bit, but so far not very much if any, at least not really to the point where it matters and impacts the "system" significantly.

Besides, education-wise, before learning about qm 信息论, most of us still need to first learn about conventional physics/math 系综 model, and the related 信息论 model.

if chinese as a language, kind of not fitting into this conventional 信息论 model, that may be a problem ( I am not sure, this is a very big statement): after all, majority chinese people are basically middle class kind of workers of conventional 信息论 model based current economy, at least for the "near" future, as far as we can see, I would guess.


can the normal chinese folks quantum jump into "高阶qm系统" more likely education-wise perhaps, with help/advantage of chinese language more of "高阶qm系统" itself, and job wise in those more future based and non-political science areas, where the "normalization" model could possibly run faster and therefore more progressing opportunites apprear and re-apprear for people mass in current lives before they finally go and see MR Marx in whereever the next world?

not totally impossible. The MIT qcd Nobel winner, frank wilczek thinks we are all should study his qcd course first year in the college, before anything else, such as "matter"stuff physics

so we still have to study "matter"stuff physics and math and the related conventional "white"logic, one way or another.

------all quoted-----------


当代信息论的基础 [ witten1


1. aapl

七彩虹的Colorfly Pocket HIFI C4作为第一款做到24 bit/192KHz的便携式HIFI播放器,同时集成了Jitter kill专利技术,在Jitter Kill的模块中,晶振上采用了昂贵的温补晶振以从源头消除Jitter。同时再配合上C4时钟发生器等,将Jitter降到极限的5皮秒以内。远远低于人类的听觉低限――50皮秒,而当前,主流的播放器(比如苹果)都在纳秒级别。(1皮秒=1/1000纳秒=1/1000,000,000,000秒)

HIFI就要超越极限 C4抖动突破5皮秒

作者: icE  来源: 本站原创  发布时间: 2011-4-21 18:16   




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