主题:【讨论】在全黑的屋子里,你清醒着,你的眼睛会怎么动? -- jent
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如果视网膜 here 是量子过程, or at least with some 量子成份, 那视网膜@this level至少不是经典物理(包括眼光学)only 可以描述解释的,then we would have some kind of 相位 (not in the sense of 经典物理) factor coming into our model, etc.
all these 视网膜量子过程, like brain 量子过程 are very important, but their research are kind of "bottle necked" by the current 量測手段, etc, so, your type of work/research, would be very helpful.
In addition to to the above, AI would benefit and likely move faster in a more software based model direction, as some kind of 腦外腦, to 補償 our own natural 腦;
our current 腦 "macro-non-qm"physics/math model, some kind of 标量波动方程 at best I guess, can't really deal with 视网膜量子过程/brain 量子过程 and the information generated, and those 量子information are treated as white noise/本低noise, very likely by our brain 标量波动方程 which is very hard to do any upgrade, if ever possible, short term;
in the process, we consume and waste a huge amount of energy as well, getting nothing back but entropy, and getting closer to the final exit..so we become very emotional, omg! in our 下意识, where we possibly have gauge theory model running, at least somewhere at humanity level, so humanity as a whole survives and progresses, moving forward.
so, handicapped by our classical 标量波动方程 in the brain, we struggle in a 量子社会 speaking more or less variouse 量子語言, mis communications, conflicts@various level, etc, and we become very emotional, dis-organized, we start looking around for help: we turn to tg kind of 社会腦 in china, and "god" 社会腦 in india, and white house, wall street, NY times, hollywood etc 社会腦 in US, and what they have been accomplishing while collecting huge tax from society?
their all kinds "壟斷寡斷" based 隐参数理论 models, as a human's some kind of social investment, profit return rates have been very low, compared to those physics/math sciences' contribution to our civilization.
so, perhaps, the next phase of humanity evolution is to introduce AI based and assisted 腦外腦 wireless global information network, not to replace the above mentioned 社会腦, but to compete with them and to innovate, and to cut the huge tax those 社会腦 collect from society, etc
so, we will have some kind of global information capitalism, where "波函數自组织" accross industries, national borders, kind of like 量子化学 type of structure, jumping above our current 牛頓經典力學 kind of social structure.
And in this information capitalism, "information" will be valued much more and "matter" 被輻射 and 折舊 by information constantly, with 可控相对论效应and/or量子效应 (x,t), etc.
never say never?
第十章几何光学眼光学. 隐藏>>. 上一内容下一内容回主目录?返回2012-7-7 1 光在传播过程中遇到的物体线度比波长大得多的情况下,光的波动性不明显,这时我们 ...
2012年12月12日 – 用几何的方法研究光线进行的路线,不追究光的物理性质,叫几何光学。 光线实际上是光的传播方向,光在遇到两种介质的界面时会发生折射和反射, ...
file.lw23.com/.../194f6005-6434-424e-a293-7aec628f... - 轉為繁體網頁
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🙂想象一下,你拿着摄像机拍飞机。 3 jent 字1537 2013-02-26 01:21:23
🙂相位補償的問題 1 晓兵 字2000 2013-02-26 13:06:47
🙂Hi, 1 jent 字52 2013-02-26 23:10:32
🙂But I need to understand: 1 jent 字861 2013-02-28 02:42:26
🙂"合成的光向量場經過時間平均後,其強度會趨近一定值" 晓兵 字1518 2013-02-28 11:51:28
🙂黑屋子里会有fixation的问题 3 jent 字1066 2012-08-26 01:33:45
🙂看帖子,你的背景是计算机,对眼动和视觉方面了解并不多 7 OldBadBug 字879 2012-08-27 10:15:29