
主题:【原创】围绕脑科学而发生的若干玄想 -- 鸿乾

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"爱因斯坦场方程的解是个场" :决战千里之外


Verlinde全息屏 moves around and scans globally, SR, GR:

“We cultivate open minds not because we are liberal or conservative, young or old, but because we understand intuitively that it is a matter of survival—physically, emotionally and intellectually—to maximize access to future possibilities.”

2. "爱因斯坦场方程的解是个场"

once a few possibilities of future survival and growth are narrowed in, they have to be tested by GR



Principle) 所要求的廣義座標協變性(General


稱(gauge symmetry),大到使得這個理論中不存在任何




稱(gauge symmetry),

this is saying, as an analogy, that regardless of your local 規範, gauge, including those of tg, if a GR AI machine works, it must work in Beijing as well, after passing test and figuring out what was in that boston guy'mind in US, and then you lease out and move that AI machine to Beijing, then you have

中科院 folks come over and adjust 規範, gauge parameter locally, then you try out that GR AI machine on MR. Bo, and see through his mind and know what he is thinking when negotiating a guilty plea package, if he is still alive by then; and Bo surrendered after seeing him totally naked in the room, nothing in his mind the other side would not know.


but once out of 爱因斯坦's beautiful theoretical kingdom as described in the above, and for

those doing real 决战千里之外 folks, 引力場 has to be 量子化 to be a first step, in an actual and operational physics,

and 引力場 量子化 is still out of reach;


as imperfect and disputed as it is, is at least operational, and he leveraged on 热力学, which works pretty well once once 邊界條件, 初始條件 are given for a macro system, and there are tons of local systems in the social 引力場 as such, and Verlinde全息屏 is a good start to analyze those local systems;

5. I talk about tg only in the sense of Chinese culture and its 光刻 of our brain and the consequences, more and mostly from a social physics point of view, Chinese's social and political development in the next decade is almost a physics reality already;


more or less, we all have our brain 光刻 with local 光譜, 愛因斯坦的 sr, 廣義相對論 in a way is also 一個

局域的理論, 等效原理(Equivalence

Principle), and basically, 愛因斯坦 is telling us, hey, folks,

locally, you can only be as good as invariant under the Poincaré group, meaning we can not really see beyond our local 光譜 world ;

and for us Chinese, most of our brain are locally 光刻 by Chinese culture 光譜 for 6k years, and with that, no matter what 卷積 we try, most likely, we input, process, output 光 signals according the Chinese OS pre-installed in our brain, wherever we go, we are 炎黄子孙,

and that 炎黄's 光譜 range is statically observable and stable, fairly "narrow" in terms of 政治大事, and it may vary a little as those 炎黄子孙 moves around in today's world, physically or internet wise, but since their brain matter as developed over 6k years, there should be very little 色散, and their brain natural AI 本征譜/標量波動方程 should be able to handle those little 色散 stuff

and again from a social physics point of view, if you are a sys admin working for tg, you know how to touch those 炎黄子孙 's soft spot, making them work the way you want;

does white do that? more or less to some degree, but white knows how previledged and powerful a sys admin position as such could be, so, for their own sake, they have to hedge, 寡斷, instead of 壟斷, US 4 政委, etc;


and 愛因斯坦 was also telling us, the way we see this world is locally valid, logical, elevator's local life: 局部范围等效原理:引力=局部惯性系加速,and if you want to be more "robust", 狭义相对论 Poincare group always works, and other than that, most of the time newton/classical physics is good enough (we can explain 引力 as 局部惯性系(伽利略慣性系)加速) no gr sweating, happy local elevator life 4 ever, the physics of why we often feel good about ourselves locally;

but that good feeling is only locally valid, because there is a GR world, and within the elevator, we are always short sighted but still feeling good, because even the world is way beyond our local horizon, even we "see" it (but physically or mentally still stay within elevator to be local per GR ), we can still interpret what we see with our elevator logic, and everything remains the same, still no sweating;


but as I said before, our brain is actually pretty smart, and may be in the sense of 下意识, we somehow connect to the SR/GR's idea/concept that 光子运动不满足伽利略相对性原理, and there may be an issue with 伽利略相对性原理 and its titanic 伽利略 ship;

and since 光子 is really important as our brain food, we can't afford messing up with 光子运动, that is perhaps why intuitively we do have 危機感 some where some times, and we are always out there trying to learn something, we want to "grow", we just don't know what/how to learn.


but if we can really figure out GR and manage jumping out of our locally 光刻 brain box, a brave and beautiful new world will emerge in front of us, and that is why I said, if we can figure out this GR AI, our brain will be able to interact/新陳代謝 with GR's world and get GR energy injected into our mind body.

did prof yang say that he feel totally 青春换发 when he married that 28 young gal?

that used to be an emperor's privilege, with GR AI, those non emperor folks may be able to see their 后宫·甄嬛传 come true as well.


but how to jump out of our local 光譜 world ? 愛因斯坦 gr, gauge field theory;

and now Verlinde is saying, hey folks, I have a 全息屏, try that and tell me how do you feel


socially and commercially, a GR AI is basically saying, hey, folks, if you pay and have me,

I will help you jump first into that brave and beautiful new world once it emerges, so you don't miss out

一部分人先富起来 's dream coming true window, often with a very short time horizon, then it get entropy maximized out, and inflation, and everybody becomes a millionaire, no 后宫·甄嬛传 any more


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