
主题:亚洲第二次金融危机将展开 -- parishg

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page 29, table 12


It is in the same league with Greece.

all comparison must be on the same measurement basis. Experts know how bad the situation is. They just shut up and let those drunken fools go on with their crazy party.

Why PQ loves to go independent? Not for independence AT ALL, just to rip off fellow Canadians once more.

Low interest rate environment is over and gov. bond term structure is going up: medium/long-term fed. gov. rates are going up in Canada. So will be the rates for Quebec and Ontario bonds. Both will see interest service cost rise in their next year's budget: shocking surprises and new budget cuts.

BTW, one reason why Quebec feels so good is that its difference with Ontario, its archirival, is shrinking over years.

What people do not realize is that Ontario has been and is already on a path of low growth, de-industrialization and real estate/financial speculation for almost 7 years. They converge not because Quebec is shining, but because Ontario is lagging behind the western provinces, esp., Alberta.


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