
主题:国债负利率的日本,越借钱政府赚得越多,当然不怕花钱 -- forger

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1. jpy's circulation in world, as of 2009


Country/Union Currency Code Amount (US$bn) Percentage of all world money

Eurozone EUR 1067.6 24.0%

United States USD 862.3 19.4%

Japan JPY 805.4 18.1%

China (mainland) CNY 539.7 12.1%

India INR 144.7 3.3%


JPY 汇率贬值 also helps to grow Japanese corporate business in overseas, in Asian countries in particular, they are making tons of profit already, remitting back to japan every march of the year, & traders all stop shoring JPY at that time;


with all the 东海防空识别区 etc fuss china is making, uncle TG is basically yelling at everybody:

why I can't dump my CNY into your mouth & ass (:), just like USA, Japan have been doing, I want to re-write "rules" of game, with Chinese as one of underwriting guys;

uncle sam, all white guys, and a few their "yellow" buddies: how do we play this game out with uncle X?

now with his carefully planned 东海防空识别区 as a first shot has been fired, fairly loud, with a lot of smokes, what would be chairman X's follow up trade?


ABE QE=汇率与货币双贬值, japan dare to 作空和卖空 japan

somebody has to long japan on the other side of the trade, or there is a "worse" guy out there as as an even better "short" trade target near by, so, ABE's calculation likely=

jpy is the lessor of the two evils, vs CNY, or china;


again, as I posted, I don't think china would 崩潰 or anything of that nature;

the trick is market expectation: you are pretty bad, or worst than others, that is all what matters;

perceived risk of 中国债务="muddy water" , how muddy is muddy, nobody knows=even muddier

& CNY is not JPY in terms of internationalization, then TG can't monetize its 债务 internationally;

monetizing TG's 债务 with 农村土地流转 may be TG's only game, which is an essentially short the Chinese farmers trade, what else chairman X could do?

if that is the top priority of X model, then this 識別區 is likely a 外海(very smart) launched ideology preparation of 剝奪農民(为祖国牺牲), putting it in a real "evil" way


if ABE figures it all out about X model as seen in the above, he would think


then X's 东海防空识别区 is really more of domestically oriented political & ideology fuss, likely a paper tiger


农村土地流转/剝奪農民 to monetize TG's huge Ponzi game is really X model's 重中之重

he has to play that 农村土地流转 game very well, the only 战略预备队 he has, which will take him at lease a couple of years, if not longer.

and that 战略预备队 is for chairman X's domestic trade only, he can't use that to go into an even a regional conflict with japan/USA;

a regional conflict can get out of control, 升級, then chairman X would really need his 战略预备队 in the case of regional conflict's 升級, so far, he does not really have one, unless he is ready to go nuclear, & even in that case, china is not likely coming out of the nuclear mess as a winner, then what for?


Russian bear is of course not a 战略预备队 of china, and obviously no one is, internationally, then china is totally naked, all international 观望者 could potentially all jump in, fxxking china from behind, if china messes up, a big guy with a lot of money in his pocket, all animals would become red eyed wolves right away, sex & money as an always working trigger, in a non-linear human game.

I would think, that with TG as 身经百战 super powerful political organization, chairman X could drive the ship fairly well, in the next couple of years, he would consult with all the major players of TG, in making any important decisions, he should know that he is not even comparable to M, D, or J, by any standards, he should be at least as prudent as H; I would think that H is an at least 自知之明 leader.

the worst case: X thinks X >=M+D+J+H.

history will tell.


刘海影 is a pretty good macro economist



2013-11-19 13:11:15

















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