
主题:【原创】围绕脑科学而发生的若干玄想 -- 鸿乾

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all ALGOs have to make $


I care about TG the most, because TG is potentially the biggest game changer to this US led game;

if all potential game changers are neutralized, then the systematic risk is reduced significantly;

US led 2008 global financial crisis: part of reasons, globalization of capitalism, china's rise and its huge impact on the system, etc.

now the system is somehow adjusted itself to the huge disruption caused by Tgchina as a huge new elephant in the otherwise already crowded house, and this USA managed house has largely stabilized, although at one point it almost falls apart in 2008.

that is the #1 reason behind the current US bull market: tgchina's disruption to the system has been digested fairly well overall, and as a result, largely priced in by financial market.

kind of why Tgchina's economic mess does not really bother global capital market, the way EU did.

the global capital market kind of has come to a fairly good understanding of Tgchina as an significant player in today's world.


but now we have a new evil, this "self-aware" robot army, partially because of that, low "labor participation rate" and "low wage growth rate" in US, still bothering US Fed big times.

then what the heck that has to do with tgchina?

it is all relative in today's global market: if Tgchina suffers more, USA will suffer less, the so called the "lessor of the two evils", then this on-going US bull market will be ok, in the sense that there is not so much systematic risks going on, vs 2008-2010

then you buy the big dip when it comes, with little risk of getting a falling knife coming onto your head.

in that sense, "all ALGOs have to make $" in almost everything I comment about, or I would not care about it.



because of my native language is Chinese, I found it extremely helpful with some posts, many of them I have quoted many times, helpful in the following sense:

for example, I am supposed to be a fiancé guy, but a few posts here in this forum articulated finance theory's ALGOs much better than I could, and similarly with many other social science ALGOs;

as said, "white" social science ALGOs are hard, if not articulated well and it is in English, it is even harder.

but as said in "刘亚洲:"改變國際舊秩序的,不是蘇聯.而是美國", 刘 talked so well in our mainlander's language, concept and model;

similarly, many posts here really get me "clicked" on some white's religion and other social sciences.


and why do I bother myself with those things?

white often thinks with same ALGO, across many areas, physics, finance, religion, etc.

if I want to model white's financial market, I have to learn about those other white's ALGO as mentioned in the above;


then why do I care about all these Chinese stuff?

other than the reasons as said in the above, comparative modeling of white vs Chinese ALGO really helps me in understanding human mind ALGO in general, then it would be more physics ALGO like, (physics laws are independent of the coordinate system one picks)

I wish I could type fast enough in Chinese and write "less strange", then I would get a lot of feed back and discussions, then I would have come across even more "mind-blowing" posts, so I can understand "white evils" much better, particularly the white's finance game, the only thing I really care about, in a way.

before that, there would be almost no readership of my strange posts in English, with a lot of physics jargons.


still, I will say it again and in a general sense: have your kids start on physics and English, regardless of what they do when grown up.

social science is getting "normalized" by physics ALGO, piece by piece, but it is getting there, and as a result, social science jobs will be becoming more and more physics jobs, kind of.

basically, it is the same ALGO runninbg: if social science BS cannot help system make $, it will be hit by system's 减法 operation, one way or another. kind of why I don't bother with me with most posts here in this forum, except for a very few areas.

kind of another "weak area" of Tgchina's system, vs USA, who imports a lot of physics brains from abroad, while more and more white kids become white trash.


an example:

white's religion ALGO

1511, 領悟“神的義”與“人的信”, 馬丁·路德: it is a paradigm change or ALGO change if you will, and

"诸神的黄昏": 资本把人类卷入社会化大生产 , my that post quoted and it was totally inspired by the following one;


如果跳出中国,远离政府看历史的话 [ 喝点红茶上会网 ] 于:2014-06-08 21:41:26 复:4018800

that new white religion ALGO basically neutralized religion as a "social science disruptor" to the emerging industrial capitalism in Europe, a new 生产关系 for white's world;

It tells all kind of religion 政治局常委: get out of way of industrial capitalism, do whatever the heck of god stuff in your private house, but never attempt to make it to the state level or social level: we are busy making machines, cars, etc, not the stupid 聖經.

That 馬丁·路德 new religion ALGO was obviously a game changer, although it may not what he intended to do, it does not matter:

system ALGO will do whatever it needs to do, killing or rewarding any individuals who happen to be "at the wrong place and wrong time", or those super lucky ones who got hit by money falling from the sky.

the super power of system's ALGO.


and now, industrial capitalism as a 生产关系 is being replaced by informational and/or ALGO capitalism as articulated by

汉密尔顿ABC"講金融, "humanity 自身的知识和勇气" 的稀有性 (value) and pricing, a core ALGO of today's financial capitalism.


now, Tgchina's #1 super ALGO, "毛林共识", its fundamental problem is: it is nothing but a huge collection of "outdated software": Chinese traditional ideology such as 刑不上大夫, Marxist "economics", and 列寧 "國家與革命", and perhaps, some chapters from WTO.

knowing that super ALGO/TG 聖經 is already outdated, TG now tries to package it up with china dream, 中国文明 and other just last night invented whatever social science BS.


at system level, I think TG knows about all these issues, and so does global capital market, and those super smart traders.

how TGchina is going to evolve from here on? it could be anybody's guess, but as said, Tgchina's disruption to the uncle sam managed global capitalism HOUSE has largely topped out, with Tgchina as a systematic risk factor.

and as said, for whatever reasons, tgchina is not likely to fall apart overnight, causing a global earth quake economically or financially.

in that sense, whatever BS noise coming out of Tgchina, are not as loud as it used to be:

BS=BS, period.

TG knows that: Li went to London to bribe British.

TG's asset "premium": out, now what discount you are going to use to price TG BS?


obviously, to TGchina, those propaganda are part of their super "毛林共识" ALGO run:

"熱輻射"對大腦的"傷害" 晓兵

TG has to do that, just like TG has to build GFW.

and as an individual, you do not want to be at "wrong place and wrong time" when TG's super ALGO is running wild, TG has to do whatever it has to do now, or Tgchina may have fallen apart yesterday.

and again, have your kids started on physics and English, making better sense now?


"self aware" and self correction: it is not about AI, it is about almost any systems.

as said, "毛林共识" had worked out for many years for TG, until recently, that is why it is TG's super ALGO, everybody has to run it, it is in TG's gene.


此一時彼一時, now "毛林共识" is outdated already, rotten out from inside.

where is new software? everybody is running new software, where is your?


the challenge.

Is Tg "self-aware"? may be, at least some TG senior traders know what is going on;

can TG "self-correct"?

does TG have a system to mobilize the brain power of huge size at various level of Chinese society to figure out the path to "self-correct" etc?

not really, if your "毛林共识" ALGOs keep putting some of those brains into jail, only because they dare to stick their necks out and speak out a different ALGO other than "毛林共识".

and with GFW: even your smart brains are very likely day dreaming, anyway.


TG as a system: "self aware", may be; "self-correction", very unlikely;

TG system with "毛林共识" as its core ALGO =落后的生产关系, relatively to Uncle Sam's ALGO, period.

and 落后=to be fxxed, one way or another, sooner or later.

now, how do you place your trades?


why do I care about this AI thing?

there is ALGO, but no 没有阴谋论 in social system, fundamentally.

as said, physics cannot even model a 基因 as a system of millions atoms working together, how anybody can possibly have a consistent 阴谋论 model for a social system?

it is just impossible.

because of all these, 生产关系 business is hugely profitable business, with a huge potential for arbitrage.

and these AI and brain stuff help us to model human mind ALGO, particularly how human minds tend to work together.

and human minds have been working together for millions years already, and that ALGO is still running, and it does not change much at all.


OMG, the great 愛因斯坦, although 洛侖茲和龐加萊 etc had put together some major pieces already for 狹義相對論.

but, system's ALGO can't remember too many names, and 愛因斯坦 got picked for SR, GR and many many physics ALGOs. He is GOD. period.

The system's ALGO is too busy with money making, 勞動生產率 etc, and everybody tries to guess that super ALGO's next step, then you ride it, making good money, and have fun.

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