主题:南沙,华阳岛(2014年7月19日) -- 螺丝钉
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南沙, 南薰岛(2014年7月)
南沙, 安达礁 (2014年2月)
The military has taken photographs of China’s ongoing reclamation activity on Malvar Reef in February, with the pictures showing a backhoe attached to a Chinese vessel that, scientists said, was presumably used to gather filling materials and harvest giant clams.
On Thursday, President Benigno Aquino III said Chinese ships had been monitored moving around other reefs in the West Philippine Sea, possibly to reclaim land in Gavin Reef (Gaven Reef) and Calderon Reef (Cuarteron Reef).
Defense spokesperson Peter Galvez confirmed that China had reclaimed land on Malvar Reef (Eldad Reef), which lies northeast of Mabini Reef (Johnson South Reef), where China had previously reclaimed land.
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🙂借你这个地方给我整理的南沙造岛图片做个广告 鼎力 字48 2014-11-12 05:57:19
🙂10月16日永暑岛已超越太平岛成为南沙群岛第一大岛! 10 螺丝钉 字1363 2014-10-16 04:03:48
😄又看到挖掘机了,哈哈 西电鲁丁 字0 2014-10-11 23:16:48
🙂台在南沙太平島新建碼頭 雇用大陆船只运送巨型沉箱 7 螺丝钉 字2174 2014-10-10 08:32:51
🙂听华阳礁干活的人回來讲故事~~~~~~~~~ 70 螺丝钉 字3475 2014-09-15 01:29:52
🙂对开荒牛应该搞点精神激励 3 然后203 字222 2014-09-15 03:02:51
🙂抓紧难得战略机遇 在南沙建立海空基地 10 Jen 字12432 2014-09-07 07:59:14