主题:【原创】机器学习的基础是什么?(0) -- 看树的老鼠
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very interesting;
this is quoted from what you referenced
"The big advantage of an information-theoretic approach is that chemistry is taken out of the question. And although it assumes the existence of self-replicating polymers, these need not be chemical at all. The result is a study of the properties of that is satisfyingly mathematical."
"the model" is kind of like GR
引力波=4偶極子, very weak to 观测, and in general, N偶極子 moment=weaker as N increases, kind of "反N方".
we have not been able to 观测 "引力波"
then what to do? GR uses "度量结构"/时空 (微分几何度量流形) to define 引力.
Erik Verlinder 时空可以对应在一张全息屏上
a pretty good explanation attached. we talked about Erik Verlinder before.
as said, 全息屏 is basically "时空" 微分几何度量流形, which could likely lead the next "hot app", currently there may be some computing power issues, I don't know the details.
"app" for me (:)
民粹主义 is actually very normal, human brain 波 is kind of like "4偶極子" 引力波, very weak to 观测, but we all know it is there, then how to model it?
then you can steal other's brain 波(:).
the super power of "china model"
Chinese nation of 1.5N 偶極子, still 正步向前走 working hard, and all smiling watching CCTV 春晚, under TG's commandership of military style?
vs. normal "社会科学" 民粹主义 all over the world outside of mainland china.
I hope I can my points across:
in terms of "度量结构" 凝聚力, tgchina is unmatched globally, in the foreseeable future.
So, more than likely, Tgchina will be ok, Uncle Sam may have far underestimated TGchina, as I posed before, although US's containing of Tgchina will make TG top feel nervous all the time as well.
Frank Wilczek, MIT, nobel laureate
the fundamental nature of world is information, based on his QCD research experiences.
he has a website talking about his information theory.
I have spent quite bit of time researching on topic like this, and I do believe, with a smart ALGO, one should be able to profit from 弯曲时空("社会科学"), and stay healthier, in this overly informational and 民粹主义 world filled with all kinds of "社会科学" 脑残热辐射.
TG's 单边不对称"良民" 优势
the worldwide 民粹主义 will get into china, or all other countries government will get united against TG: it has to be fair (:), if 民粹主义, let we all have 民粹主义.
that is why, I keep saying that "毛林共识"政治模型 may actually be the TG's biggest challenge going forward, not really economics.
本质上, borrowing QM, when and how Chinese mainland is going to normalize with global heatbath, "退相干/decoherence"?
once 民粹, then 民粹 forever.
"Decoherence can be viewed as the loss of information from a system into the environment (often modeled as a heat bath),[2] since every system is loosely coupled with the energetic state of its surroundings. Viewed in isolation, the system's dynamics are non-unitary (although the combined system plus environment evolves in a unitary fashion).[3] Thus the dynamics of the system alone are irreversible."
In quantum mechanics, quantum decoherence is the loss of coherence or ordering of the phase angles between the components of a system in a quantum superposition. One consequence of this dephasing is classical or probabilistically additive behavior. Quantum decoherence gives the appearance of wave function collapse (the reduction of the physical possibilities into a single possibility as seen by an observer) and justifies the framework and intuition of classical physics as an acceptable approximation: decoherence is the mechanism by which the classical limit emerges from a quantum starting point and it determines the location of the quantum-classical boundary. Decoherence occurs when a system interacts with its environment in a thermodynamically irreversible way. This prevents different elements in the quantum superposition of the total system's wavefunction from interfering with each other. Decoherence has been a subject of active research since the 1980s.[1]
Decoherence can be viewed as the loss of information from a system into the environment (often modeled as a heat bath),[2] since every system is loosely coupled with the energetic state of its surroundings. Viewed in isolation, the system's dynamics are non-unitary (although the combined system plus environment evolves in a unitary fashion).[3] Thus the dynamics of the system alone are irreversible. As with any coupling, entanglements are generated between the system and environment. These have the effect of sharing quantum information with—or transferring it to—the surroundings.
Decoherence does not generate actual wave function collapse. It only provides an explanation for the observation of wave function collapse, as the quantum nature of the system "leaks" into the environment. That is, components of the wavefunction are decoupled from a coherent system, and acquire phases from their immediate surroundings. A total superposition of the global or universal wavefunction still exists (and remains coherent at the global level), but its ultimate fate remains an interpretational issue. Specifically, decoherence does not attempt to explain the measurement problem. Rather, decoherence provides an explanation for the transition of the system to a mixture of states that seem to correspond to those states observers perceive. Moreover, our observation tells us that this mixture looks like a proper quantum ensemble in a measurement situation, as we observe that measurements lead to the "realization" of precisely one state in the "ensemble".
Professor Frank Wilczek is considered one of the world's most eminent theoretical physicists. He is known, among other things, for the discovery of asymptotic freedom, the development of quantum chromodynamics, the invention of axions, and the discovery and exploitation of new forms of quantum statistics (anyons). When only 21 years old and a graduate student at Princeton University, in work with David Gross he defined the properties of color gluons, which hold atomic nuclei together.
已有 378 次阅读 2014-3-22 11:43 |系统分类:科普集锦|关键词:惯性
已有 575 次阅读 2014-2-24 23:32 |系统分类:科普集锦|关键词:熵力 打架
料想Erik Verlinder看不懂中文,所以将题目写的好玩一点吧。事实上,博主根本没有资格评论Erik Verlinder同学的文章。这篇文章在10年和11年红的发紫,尤其在中国。我这人反应慢在大学同学里是出了名的。这里有一段小故事就不必讲了。总而言之,当时没兴趣,现在有兴趣了,找出来研究一把。
Erik Verlinder同学的文章严谨但不古板,最后还以大家喜闻乐见的方式结尾,皆大欢喜。内行看门道,外行看热闹,所以很多人喜欢看热闹,这个Erik Verlinder同学是知道的。热闹是什么?最热闹的事情莫过于打架。大街上如果有人打架,立马会围过来一圈人。当然有拉架的,有煽风点火的,更多的是看热闹的。如果你问他,您干什么的?答案是:"打酱油的!"文章的结尾提到牛顿和胡克打架。据说和牛顿打架的人很多,我想大概是因为牛顿自恃武功天下第一,横行乡里,引起很多人不服,前来挑战。Erik Verlinder同学最后一句话有点“数风流人物,还看今朝”的意思,可谓是霸气外漏。
熵力的基本假设是全息原理和等效原理,其中等效原理在这篇博文里讲的很详细,而全息原理俺不懂,想当然的以为就跟全息照相类似吧(亲爱的读者,您觉得呢?)。根据等效原理,如果我们定义“自由落体惯性系”,那么我们就可以不把引力看成是力,而是几何。也就是说,所有关于引力的信息都可以用时空的弯曲来描述。时空可以对应在一张全息屏上,这大概就是全息原理吧。过几天有空研究研究这个事情,亲爱的读者您如果知道,望不吝赐教。全息屏上可以定义熵,熵的变化描述时空的变化,而时空的变化描述引力,所以熵可以描述引力。Erik Verlinder做的事情是将这其中的曲折展示给大家看,推导出牛顿的引力公式和爱因斯坦方程。这里科普下,该文研究的是引力,说引力可以用熵来描写,没有其他三种作用力什么事儿。亲爱的读者,您可别把他们牵扯进来,以防打架。比如说摩擦力是电磁力,跟熵力不搭嘎。如果您是中学生,那您必然很熟悉胡克定律。一提到胡克,您脑海中就浮现出一根弹簧,胡克说弹力和其伸长量成正比。这里有一点小小的误会,您所想的那个弹力也是电磁力,别牵扯进来。
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