
主题:【原创】文革的权谋与理想(修改稿)序 -- 语迟

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家园 这份文件编号疑似有误。



实际上,美方最早接触张国焘可追溯到50年代初,打头阵的是前OSS情报官JOSEPH A. YAGER。此人曾先后供职于OSS/美军华东联络处、美国国务院、驻港总领馆、驻台“大使馆”、国防分析研究所(IDA)和霍普金斯学会。

1949年冬,张国焘即携妻带子离台赴港。YAGER则于1950至51年间任驻港领馆领事。赴任前,YAGER在国务院研究部门专职分析中共时就已对张国焘产生兴趣。当时的美驻港总领事曾设法寻找张的下落,未果。YAGER到任后,一次偶然的机遇,借助顺访友人斯坦福大学Bob North的关系,通过中间人和张国焘搭上线,获准登门访谈数次。所有谈话笔录均按程序上报美国务院。



不过,当年的驻港领馆政务参赞ROBERT W. DREXLER在1996年接受美国外交研究与培训协会(ADST)采访,直言不讳称毛泽东为伟人--即便他不能摒弃“独裁、暴君”的定式,即便他不能免疫此前李大夫黑毛的文宣。


We thought of him as the greatest Chinese of the 20th century. An outstanding historical figure of unmatched importance in modern Chinese history. Sun Yat-sen, Chang Kaishek, of course also made their mark, but they were failures. What Mao achieved, bringing a country of over 1 billion people under control, not only of his party, but almost under his personal control, was an astonishing achievement. To watch the man at work, to hear the crowds and see their adulation of him, to be bombarded as we were constantly in Hong Kong by Mao's thought and the little red book, and so on, we noted that we were in the presence of an historic phenomenon.

We were also, of course, aware of his shortcomings, that he was authoritarian, and an oriental despot. We were aware of those faults. But we felt that by and large the Chinese people were behind him, that he had that sort of legitimacy; he had not lost, as the Chinese say, "the mandate of heaven." And so I think this was the same idea that Kissinger had when he was ushered into the Mao presence. This was not your ordinary Chinese restauranteur or laundry man. You were in the presence of a great man, flaws and all. And so that's what we thought about him.

I must say that the inside story of his personal life has become known only last year, when his physician wrote his memoirs. It's an astonishing account of Mao's sexual depravity and loathsome personal habits and so on. This was a side to him that you have to add to his other despotic behavior and he now of course looks quite different. But that's what we thought then.

He was an historic phenomenon, a great man.

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