
主题:【原创】为什么汉语是世界上最先进的语言(上) -- 冷酷的哲学

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家园 好像贵族和平民的生活水平差距很大?


“The caloric content and structure of medieval diet varied over time, from region to region, and between classes. However, for most people, the diet tended to be high-carbohydrate, with most of the budget spent on, and the majority of calories provided by, cereals and alcohol (such as beer). Even though meat was highly valued by all, lower classes often could not afford, nor were they allowed by the church, to consume it every day. In England in the 13th century, meat contributed a negligible portion of calories to a typical harvest worker's diet; however, its share increased after the Black Death and, by the 15th century, it provided about 20% of the total.[13] Even among the lay nobility of medieval England, grain provided 65–70% of calories in the early 14th century”


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