
主题:【原创】简.爱 于 我 -- 映日荷花

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家园 Jane Eyre is a great novel, though not as great

as "Wuthering Heights"

The first half (before the wedding) is truely great. The depiction of their mutual attraction and Jane's struggle and determination to maintain her self-esteem belongs to the best passages I've ever read. But after the wedding, the novel becomes worse and worse, and I find the last several pages almost unbearable.

The whole novel is a day-dream, which is fine since almost all novels contain at least some element of day-dreaming. My problem with it is that the ending is the best possible result for Jane I can imagine. I can accept her marriage with Rochester, even though it is almost impossible for a governess (which belongs to the servant class) to marry a gentleman at that time. But suppose the story ended with the wedding and no gruesome past was revealed, do you think their marriage will be a happy one? He was her superior, in both social standing and intellect. I can imagine Jane (or Charlotte Bronte?) finding such an unequal relationship painful or even sufforcating. So they must part, he must be punished (some feminist critics read his blindness as a symbol for castration), and she must gain her financial independence before they can be reconciled. When they finally married, she became his superior. I can still swallow such wish-thinking if not for the ending. When Rochester finally regained his eyesight, that is too much for me.

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