
主题:为梁警官捐款的呼吁 -- 关中农民

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家园 【整理】挺梁八股文:面对美媒的攒词准备

陪审团裁决2月11日上周四公布, 比较体贴地给大家留出了整个一个长周末和一周的时间愤怒,组织,整装上阵。20日的游行会刷全美各大城市的马路,或也小刷主流媒体的屏幕。看到有公众号提醒大家面对主流媒体,注意恰当言辞,如果自己不确定,可以转由组织者统一回答。谨慎谋事之心可鉴。

发现一则旧文被我走马观花漏掉了,是2月11日裁决当天纽约州州众议院议员(Assemblyman) William Colton的声明(反应神速啊,难道是背后博弈之一方?),冠冕堂皇又扼要而具体,感觉可作美式八股文入门范文,可供想为20日做功课的同志们抱佛脚之需。



... I remain greatly concerned that Police Officer Peter Liang has been made a scapegoat for the failings of many others in government which are a much more real cause to this tragic death.

The death of Akai Gurley in the Pink House is a tragedy for all involved: for the family of Akai Gurley who lost a loved one, for the family of Peter Liang who have suffered the public anguish following this tragic accident and for the families of all NYC Police Officers and the families of all victims of criminal acts who stand to lose many more loved ones if law and order and public safety is not preserved

the prosecuting attorney made a closing argument to the jury implying that this shooting was deliberate and that Police Officer Liang pointed his gun at the victim- when none of the facts raised in the trial supported such an argument. This was a highly prejudicial and inflammatory argument... This closing statement was so prejudicial and inflammatory that it may have clouded the facts of the case for the jury and it may well be a valid basis for an appeal of the determination.

Indeed there are many in government whose failings are much more a cause for the tragic death of Akai Gurley... These include the New York Housing City Authority whose reckless neglect allowed the stairways of the Pink Houses to remain dark and dangerous for its residents, staff and police officers for months... it includes the inadequate training and the assigning of two rookie police officers together in a dangerous, darkened stairway



第二段(其实就是blah,blah, blah): 这事对相关各方都是悲剧:Akai Gurley家庭..., 梁警官家庭..., 所有纽约市警察和犯罪受害人家庭... (这最后一组也扯得上,当然,他们将承受更多丧亲之痛,如果法律秩序和公共安全得不到保护 --- 小学语文老师屡次教育我们立意要高

第三段,非常具体干货,抓住公诉人漏洞,直指要求推翻裁决的法律基础:公诉人在对陪审团的最后陈述中示意被告有意开枪,枪是指向受害人的; 这一点得不到任何庭审证据的证明。 这是极具偏见和煽动性的论断,毫无根据,不可容忍。这个最后陈述对陪审团遮蔽了本案事实,有充分基础诉请重新裁决。(其中还有梁警官开枪现场以及子弹撞墙反弹等细节的描述。这是被告律师事后想起来的吗?还是州议员先生帮想的?

最后,与第一段呼应,开始填筐:事实上,政府管理的一系列失误才是造成Akai Gurley先生悲剧死亡的更真实的原因,包括纽约市政房管系统渎职导致事发现场楼道无照明长达数月之久;公职人员不负责言论煽动仇视警察情绪;以及警察局对警员培训不足,且不当安排两个菜鸟警员作搭档深入危险之地



p.s. 链接出处是美国华人参政网站。各位有心人士,你懂的。

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