主题:最近看到的笑话之八 -- 钛豌豆
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Kayrat Samarkand says his only “crime” was being a Muslim who had visited neighboring Kazakhstan. On that basis alone, he was detained by police, aggressively interrogated for three days, then dispatched in November to a “reeducation camp” in China’s western province of Xinjiang for three months.
There, he faced seemingly endless brainwashing and humiliation, he said in an interview, and was forced to study communist propaganda for hours every day and chant slogans giving thanks and wishing long life to President Xi Jinping
Kayrat Samarkand说,他唯一的“罪行”是身为一个穆斯林,出国去过邻国哈萨克斯坦。仅因为这个,他就被警方拘留,对他进行了三天的激烈审讯,然后在11月被派往中国西部省份新疆的“再教育营”(学习班),为期三个月。
The not-quite-Gulag archipelago
The government is building hundreds or thousands of unacknowledged re-education camps to which Uighurs can be sent for any reason or for none. In some of them day-to-day conditions do not appear to be physically abusive as much as creepy. One released prisoner has said he was not permitted to eat until he had thanked Xi Jinping, the Chinese president, and the Communist Party.
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🙂补充:嗟,来食! 13 钛豌豆 字417 2018-06-21 11:33:37
🙂补充:马褂还给你啦! 9 钛豌豆 字896 2018-06-15 05:28:29
🙂自赦其罪 8 任爱杰 字1907 2018-06-05 00:07:34
🙂这是办政庇写的申请材料吧 2 fjord 字0 2018-06-21 17:00:17
🙂今年上半年最好笑的笑话 4 从来 字220 2018-06-01 10:46:34
🙂你们都是怎么命名存小电影的文件夹的? 12 小科 字165 2018-05-24 04:38:42
😉李群李代数及其表示 1 绝对不是白领 字18 2018-09-12 03:33:02