
主题:【F4中发飙的周憨憨】其实一点都不憨 -- 方平

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家园 2100 VS 24000

“中国 CDC 只有大约 2100 名员工,美国 CDC 的 24000 名员工。而在国家总人口上,美国人口仅为中国的四分之一”(《新型冠状病毒感染疫情下的思考》

“但是却因为长期积累的各种问题,以及受近期因政策性原因导致收入进一步下降的影响,疾控系统人心浮动、人才加速外流。近三年来,仅国家疾控中心流失的中青年骨干计有百人之多,有些地方疾控机构人才流失可能更严重”(中国疾控中心专家曾光: 不要忘记历史的教训

“Public health, in comparison, was relatively underfunded due to these competing priorities. At the local level, local CDCs are supported by provincial governments. In places where the local government’s resources are less robust or declining, local public health resources, including personnel, can also suffer from insufficient funding. Low salaries are a significant barrier to the recruitment and retention of high-quality professionals, and local Chinese CDC staffing has declined at all levels” (兰德公司2月5日:

《From SARS to 2019-Coronavirus (cNoV): U.S.-China Collaborations on Pandemic Response》 Testimony presented before the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and Nonproliferation on February 5,2020.)

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