
主题:【讨论】2020美国大选讨论楼 -- 笑看风雨

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家园 2020年3月11日更新



在初选中,底特律郊区的一个县(Oakland),仅仅计了87%的票,拜登得票数就比希拉里在2016年大选中的得票数多了一半(138000 vs 92000)。要知道很多人初选是不投票的,投票率比大选一般低20%以上。这样拜登还能大幅超过希拉里2016年大选得票,足以说明问题。

That trend appears to have continued on Tuesday night. Biden, with 87% of the vote counted, had already garnered over 138,000 votes in Oakland County, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit. Four years ago, Clinton won Oakland County but with only 92,000 votes, a key reason that she lost the state to Sanders.

The same is true in Macomb County, another Detroit suburb. With 71% of the votes counted, Biden is leading Sanders easily and has already won 58,000 votes. Clinton narrowly won the county in the primary with just under 48,000 votes in 2016.

"Biden's success in the suburbs -- appealing to the base and crossover voters -- closely follows what worked in 2018," said Meredith Kelly, a veteran Democratic operative who was a top staffer at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in 2018. "If Joe Biden wins the states where we won the House popular vote in the midterms, then it's game over for Trump."

5 takeaways as Biden takes command of Democratic race on Super Tuesday II



1. 美股虚高的价值被Trump从2018年用各种手段强撑到现在,终于在疫情的打击下绷不住了。

2. Trump对于疫情应对不及格,进退失据,一周前还声称“it‘s just a flu”,无知无能。


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