
主题:战事已近尾声,但新的硝烟还将再起。 -- 迷惑不解

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家园 硝烟再起了,美国商务部收紧对华为的限制

Specifically, this targeted rule change will make the following foreign-produced items subject to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR):

(i) Items, such as semiconductor designs, when produced by Huawei and its affiliates on the Entity List (e.g., HiSilicon), that are the direct product of certain U.S. Commerce Control List (CCL) software and technology; and

(ii) Items, such as chipsets, when produced from the design specifications of Huawei or an affiliate on the Entity List (e.g., HiSilicon), that are the direct product of certain CCL semiconductor manufacturing equipment located outside the United States. Such foreign-produced items will only require a license when there is knowledge that they are destined for reexport, export from abroad, or transfer (in-country) to Huawei or any of its affiliates on the Entity List.


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