
主题:【整理】中印本场冲突实况 -- 拿不准

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家园 【整理】中印本场冲突实况

今天印度媒体News18有了一篇采访了解印度政府官员的报道,报道中称这位印度政府官员熟悉收治在莱赫的医院(hospitals in Leh)印度官兵的情况,他向News18转述了印军幸存者们(原文如此,使用的是survivors一词)对于实控线附近冲突的叙述。



1) 本场冲突一共持续了八小时。解放军手持铁棒和用铁丝网包裹的警棍(狼牙棒???)Furious hand-to-hand fighting raged across the Galwan river valley for over eight hours on Monday night, as People’s Liberation Army assault teams armed with iron rods as well as batons wrapped in barbed wire hunted down and slaughtered troops of the 16 Bihar Regiment, a senior government official familiar with the debriefing of survivors at hospitals in Leh has told News18.周一晚上,当解放军的突击队手持铁棒和用铁丝网包裹的警棍追捕和slaughtered (不懂请查字典)比哈尔邦第16团(16 Bihar Regiment)的部队时,激烈的肉搏战在加尔旺河谷持续了8个多小时,一位熟悉在莱赫的医院幸存者情况的政府高级官员告诉News18。

2) 至少有23名印军在冲突中丧生,其中包括比哈尔邦第16团的指挥官桑托什·巴布(Santosh Babu)上校。

The savage combat, with few parallels in the history of modern armies, is confirmed to have claimed the lives of at least 23 Indian soldiers, including 16 Bihar’s commanding officer, Colonel Santosh Babu, many because of protracted exposure to sub-zero temperatures the Indian Army said late on Tuesday.这场野蛮的战斗在现代军队的历史上几乎没有相同的案例,据证实已经夺去了至少23名印度士兵的生命,其中包括比哈尔邦第16团的指挥官桑托什·巴布(Santosh Babu)上校,这么多的伤亡是因为他们长期暴露在零度以下的低温,印度军队周二晚些时候说。

3) 说是冲突,基本上是解放军追着印军漫山遍野跑,还有印军慌不择路跳河被淹死的。“Even unarmed men who fled into the hillsides were hunted down and killed,” one officer said. “The dead include men who jumped into the Galwan river in a desperate effort to escape.”


4) 目前还有24名印军重伤,超过110人受伤。

Government sources say at least another two dozen soldiers are battling life-threatening injuries, and over 110 have needed treatment. “The toll will likely go up,” a military officer with knowledge of the issue said.


5) 冲突的起因是印军越过实控线烧毁了解放军搭建的帐篷。

The fighting at Galwan, News18 had first reported on Tuesday, began after troops under Colonel Babu’s command dismantled a Chinese tent sent up near a position code-named Patrol Point 14, close to the mouth of the Galwan river. The tent had been dismantled following a meeting between Lieutenant General Harinder Singh, who commands the Leh-based XIV Corps, and Major-General Lin Liu, the head of the Xinjiang military district


6) 解放军占据高处有利地势向下投掷石块,而印军没有还手之力。

Large rocks were also thrown towards the Indian positions by Chinese troops stationed on the high ridge above Point 14, one source said. Though some fought back using the improvised weapons carried by the PLA, most had no means of defence.



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