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主题:谈谈粤菜 -- 燕人
In each province’s total diet study, 1 urban district and 2 rural counties were randomly selected from lists of nonpoor districts and counties, representing typical dietary intake. Within each district or county, 2 communities or townships, then 5 neighborhoods or villages, and then 30 households were randomly selected. Study personnel recorded all residents’ dietary intake by recording food consumption and weighing ingredients, including salt, during 3 consecutive daily visits. No households refused to participate. Using local ingredients, matching foods were prepared and analyzed at China’s national reference laboratory. Using the age, weight, sex, and occupation of those surveyed, the daily salt and sodium consumption of a standard person (man, aged 18–45 years, weighing 63 kg, and engaging in light activity) was calculated for each province, to represent a value around which the sampled householders’ salt/sodium consumption varies. Meals consumed outside the home were excluded from the calculation.
- 相关回复 上下关系8
🙂我怀疑把使用最等同于摄入量。 7 审度 字569 2021-05-20 11:49:30
🙂你是否会斩料? 懒厨 字51 2021-05-21 02:01:24
🙂斩料外吃,家里就不用了。 2 审度 字135 2021-05-21 02:23:45
🙂粤菜 7 汉水东流 字637 2021-05-20 11:09:45
🙂从前以为粤菜将食材原味发挥到极致。 3 ccceee 字147 2021-05-20 20:19:41
😁学长不可被人忽悠了 2 燕人 字268 2021-05-22 12:47:19
🙂按我所知有姜派和非姜派 2 审度 字783 2021-05-22 13:08:51