
主题:【整理】《阿基米德大战》 -- 孟词宗

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In the 1930s, Japan expanded slowly into China, which led to the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937. In 1940, Japan invaded French Indochina in an effort to embargo all imports into China, including war supplies that were purchased from the US. That move prompted the US to embargo all oil exports, which led the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) to estimate it had less than two years of bunker oil remaining and to support the existing plans to seize oil resources in the Dutch East Indies.

Planning had been underway for some time on an attack on the "Southern Resource Area" to add it to the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere Japan envisioned in the Pacific.


In 1938, the U.S. began to adopt a succession of increasingly-restrictive trade restrictions with Japan, including terminating its 1911 commercial treaty with Japan in 1939, which was further tightened by the Export Control Act of 1940. Those efforts failed to deter Japan from continuing its war in China or from signing the Tripartite Pact in 1940 with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, which officially formed the Axis Powers.


说美国是搬起石头造自己脚是没错,从本拉登到伊拉克胡总都同意,哪个不是吃美国奶水长大的😁 当时不但日本,德国得到美国资助也是公开的,对日本可能有牵制苏联的意图,养大德国很大成分其实是牵制英法,后来没想到德国那么一力降十会,才变成了围殴纳粹的。 不过日本在中国的野心太大,那时中国是帝国主义列强的利益范围,所以日本只能拿下东南亚资源靠自力更生支持侵华战争,如果只占着东北与朝鲜,美国不会动日本,如意算盘当然是让日本与苏联打上十个诺门坎,打赢了去西伯利亚垦荒。问题是日本也不傻啊,谁不知道柿子挑软的捏,结果一路捏着捏到了珍珠港 😄 自己给自己挖坑跳了。


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