主题:“恶意救灾” -- 亮子
- 共: 💬 15 🌺 57 🌵 20
Recognition: Americans will fully recognize themselves as a people, not merely citizens or residents of a country, but a people bearing a unique national interest rooted in our heritage on this continent. Our people, born to this nation of our European race, must reforge themselves as a new collective capable of asserting our right to cultural independence. The LIFE of this nation, unique among all others, will be defended.
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🙂美国北卡罗纳州护士称,一袋袋尸体装满了4大卡车 亮子 字175 2024-10-16 22:09:56
🙂这个机器翻译是你自己操作的还是WSJ的 2 燕人 字288 2024-10-15 08:14:45
🙂谁是新纳粹分子,要颁发个政府认定证书不? 2 亮子 字75 2024-10-15 09:11:55
🙂按照你这个说法恐怕一小半美国人都是纳粹 亮子 字271 2024-10-20 22:15:00
🙂我什么时候要你认真学习深刻领会了? 1 自以为是 字322 2024-10-21 19:49:53
🙂有美国人为飓风遇难者叫好。《美国内战》诚不欺我 亮子 字84 2024-10-15 07:18:54