主题:【文摘】执子之手,与子偕老――一个凄楚的故事 -- 司马水镜
共:💬12 🌺3
could seldom save the love of the husband. It is the human nature to appreciate beauty, and to forget favor or help given by others. That is part of the reason to define that human being is a kind of high-level animal.
With the change of the environment, everything changes...
"死生契阔,与子成说。执子之手,与子偕老。" There are such ideal couples, but really less and less...
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Re:【文摘】执子之手,与子偕老――一个凄楚的故事 wooxiao 字8 2003-09-13 17:23:15
😏【马鹿歪评】八分爱足够, 何必12分. 马鹿 字0 2003-09-13 10:05:50
这女人太傻,到最后也没明白过来 scorpioking 字0 2003-09-13 09:57:21
Many similar cases... Hard work and true love of wife
我要落泪。。。 司马水镜 字0 2003-09-11 22:31:09