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主题:【原创】疯子少校(一)(完) -- 晨枫
To comprehend and cope with our environment we develop mental patterns or concepts of meaning. The purpose of this paper is to sketch out how we destroy and create these patterns to permit us to both shape and be shaped by a changing environment. In this sense, the discussion also literally shows why we cannot avoid this kind of activity if we intend to survive on our own terms. The activity is dialectic in nature generating both disorder and order that emerges as a changing and expanding universe of mental concepts matched to a changing and expanding universe of observed reality.
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这句话可用四字成语来概括 1 懒厨 字148 2005-11-04 08:26:03
花一枝 fxmlf 字0 2005-11-04 04:52:35
一个16页长的讲义“毁灭和创建”(Destruction and Creation) 中正自在 字56 2005-11-04 01:37:23
花 晨枫兄写得栩栩如生,真是精彩。 海风过云杉 字86 2005-11-03 22:58:54
真是奇人啊! 何塞 字0 2005-11-03 21:36:46
伯伊德的智商只有90 看看 字76 2005-11-03 21:19:14
人物好,内容好,文笔好; 花花花. georgenine 字0 2005-11-03 20:48:10