
主题投票【注意】视野里政治、时事、社会问题等相关话题的去向征求看法 -- 铁手

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家园 I think it’s different

“理性探讨的部分,也就是不涉及是非论断的一部分,保留在西西河,但是严格管理” is a very top-level introduction, and it doesn’t tell much about exactly how 严格管理 is to be executed. But I believe there is a way to technically make 严格管理 come true. For example, two discussion boards can be set up within cchere (not talkcc) that are open for political and ideological topics, but only those selected IDs can participate in the discussion.

To be more specific, if you want to participate in the discussion in these two boards, you would have to go through another registration process and wait for a special approval from the high above (Lao Tie and the crew). The criterion Lao Tie’s crew uses to select IDs can be each ID’s previous performance in talkcc.org. If an ID consistently behaves rationally and respects others in talkcc.org then it’ll be approved and allowed to participate in those two boards, while an ID who always behaves overly emotionally and attacks others will be kept away from those two boards.

This way the two boards would only contain articles and discussions that are rational and relatively high-quality in terms of thought-provoking and views-exchanging.

Does this make any sense to you?

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