
主题投票【注意】视野里政治、时事、社会问题等相关话题的去向征求看法 -- 铁手

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家园 I think it’s the people, not the topics, that really matter

If you have only the ‘right’ people (rational and respectful to others) participating in political discussions, ‘wrong’ or ‘bad’ topics are not gonna create any issues, ‘cause you can always persuade people to modify or even erase those ‘bad’ content. The only reason they act as per your request/instruction is simply they are the ‘RIGHT’ people! The ‘wrong’ people have been effectively kept away from the political discussion within cchere.

By the same token, with the ‘right’ people, issues like 不犯忌的主贴下面有犯忌的跟贴 can be easily resolved and will not hurt the board.

Therefore I don’t see any need to make a list of all forbidden topics. The key is to select only the ‘right’ people and screen out the ‘wrong’ people. People who get screened out can go to talkcc.org to speak whatever they like in whatever manner they feel comfortable. Political boards within cchere are kept only for rational and clean discussions, and there’s just no room for personal attacks, acrimonious words, overly emotional and grossed expressions, and stuffs like that.

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