主题:【翻译】对朝鲜战争步兵战斗与武器使用的评注(1950冬—1951年) -- 徐荣
Due to the enemy’s lack of armor in winter operations 1950-51, this group of
weapons had little decisive effect in the local fighting, except as CCF contrived to
capture some of our weapons and employ them against our metal. They did not prove
inexpert in exploiting the opportunity. There are a number of examples in the record
of CCF using the rocket launcher against our tanks, field pieces, and vehicles at comparatively
short range (15 to 50 yards) and scoring killing hits. The tank-killing weapons
all involve this special jeopardy; no other materiel can be converted more quickly and
decisively to enemy use upon capture, particularly when armor, being unopposed by
its own kind, relaxes it’s normal precautions.
In the winter fighting, our bazooka fire was used mainly against machine guns,
buildings where enemy skirmishers had taken cover, and other large objects. There
was less of a tendency to employ it at short range against enemy personnel, in substitute
for mortar fire. The data are insufficient to warrant saying whether the launcher justifies
its place in the infantry company weapons system under the conditions in which the
CCF was engaged by our line during the winter. There are some graphic examples
of its killing effect in the crises of a number of local engagements; these are well outnumbered
by the operational narratives in which the launchers are accounted as present,
but have no influence upon the course of combat. From the data - which are admitt’edly
an inconclusive sample - it is indicated only that the launcher is a marginal
weapon when the enemy lacks armor. With few exceptions, its telling shots could have
been contrived by some other weapon present with the line. In other words, it did
not have unique advantages in infantry-against-infant’ry action, as it was used in the
average tactical situation.
By t’he account of our average line officer in Korea, under the conditions of the
fighting there, the 3.5 launcher is of greater utility in any situation than the small
bazooka, and he sees no argument for retention of the latter within the infantry weapons
system. It becomes excess baggage as soon as the 3.5 is in good supply. But the question
cannot be resolved that easily. If it is true that the small bazooka is an effective antipersonnel
weapon, but that its potential has not been adequately exploited because of
a hiatus in training, then its extra portability may give it advantage over the 3.5 in
particular situations, for the same reason’ that the 60-mm mortar is useful, though the
81 has greater killing radius. Further light on the subject may come from study of an
incident in which the small launcher was given decisive use against human targets.
In the attack of the 1st Marine Division from Hagaru-ri to Koto-ri, the 5th
Marines assumed defense of the whole Hagaru-ri perimeter as the column got underway.
To ease the initial progress of the column, it was necessary to gain the high ground
east of the camp which had been held by CCF throughout the siege. The Regiment’s
Second Battalion was given the mission and soon won the heights. Prior to the action,
it had been reckoned that the Division as a whole would be able to clear Hagaru-ri by
nightfall. But fighting along the road had delayed the 7th Regiment and the Division
trains, so that the lead elements of the 5th Regiment had still not cleared by dark.
Easy Company held ground eastward of the river from a point approximately
700 yards north of the Hagaru-ri bridge around to the bottom of the main hill and
back along the railway track for about 200 yards. The right flank of the Company
ran along the railway approximately 400 yards east and north of the bridge. Between
1800 and 2000, the Chinese attacked from the high ground toward the bridge with the
apparent object of cutting off troops manning the western half of the perimeter.
Easy’s rocket team had been so stationed by Capt Sam Jeskilka that it could
fire straight up a draw which ran halfway up the hill then forked off into gullys. This
was the natural approach from the hill, as it was otherwise barren of cover. The Chinese
pressed forward along the alley, and during an attack which persisted in strength for
two hours and recurred intermittently through the night, this key feature was defended
by rockets.
E连占据的高地在河东侧约700码处,Hagaru-ri桥北边靠近主要山地的山脚,背后离铁路线大约200码。连的右翼沿铁路线400米延伸到桥的东北侧。在18时到20时之间,中国人从山林高地上冲下来,通过桥梁意图消灭环形防线西半部的守军。E连的火箭筒组正好由山姆 杰斯克里卡上尉指挥能够直接打击半山腰的溪沟。这里比较靠近山顶,没有多少植被。中国人沿着小路向上冲,一直持续了整整2个小时,并且在整个晚上也要反复冲锋。火箭筒守住了关键阵地。
On the following morning, CCF pulled back into the hills. Co1 R. L. Murray,
commander of the 5th Regiment, and Lt Co1 Hal Roise entered the draw and made a
cursory examination of the damage done by the 2.36 fire. There were more than 50
bodies on the ground, scattered anywhere from 20 yards to 200 yards from the launcher
到次日清晨时,中共军队被迫退回到山里去。于是,陆战五团的指挥官R L 马里上校和哈尔 罗易斯中校草草视察了使用89毫米火箭弹的战场。发现沿着火箭筒位置从20码到200码的距离上有超过50具尸体。
Murray’s most amazing comment on the result was that his inspection of bodies
convinced him that practically all of the Chinese had died from burns - that WP
rounds had set their padded clothing afire. Jeskilka estimated more conservatively
that 60 percent of the deaths were due to burns and the rest to concussion and fragmentation.
His crew had fired quite a few HEAT rounds from the launchers. Jeskilka
said that while the Hagaru-ri affair was Easy’s outstanding use of' the launcher, the
Company had become habituated to using it as an anti-personnel weapon at every
opportunity. It was therefore normal for the men to have final confidence in it in an
extreme emergency.
In the November fight against CCF along the Chongchon River, one of the most
mobile and aggressively successful defenses conducted anywhere along the American
line was the action by Company F, 38th Infantry Regiment. From a detailed and
lengthy narrative of this action, the following extract is made to illustrate the effect
of one 3.5 round upon the engagement:
“When the squad on the right flank of 3rd Platoon was withdrawn by Sgt Smith
because of the buildup of CCF fire against the nose of the ridge, that action left the
machine gun on the left flank of 1st Platoon’s position as the chief block to the enemy’s
main advance up the draw. There was a native hut to the right and forward of the
machine gun. Lt Lemuel English, who was in command of 1st Platoon, had one of his
BAR men, PFC Cleo Wachel, dug in right next to the house along the right rear corner.
Wachel was thus in line to assist the machine gun in covering the draw, and in fact,
as the fight developed, he bore the brunt of the defense. There were sandbags revetting
his foxhole. He could deliver a grazing fire right down the gut without unduly exposing
由于中共军队的火力点在山脊前伸处建立起来,3排右翼的那个班在斯密斯中士的指挥下撤退,只留下一挺机枪在1排的左翼阻止敌人的进一步进攻。在机枪的右前侧有一间小屋。1排排长莱弭尔 英格兰中士手下有一个巴祖卡发射手,一等兵克莱奥 瓦彻尔。他在房屋的右后侧挖了一个散兵坑。这样,瓦彻尔可以协助机枪手火力覆盖,事实上,当战斗激烈时,他也一同承受进攻的压力。有一些沙包堆积掩护了他的散兵坑,这样他可以在腰以下的高度发射而不用暴露自己。
“English deployed three riflemen to the rear of Wachel; they were told to fire
in time with Wachel and to cut down any skirmishers making a sneak run toward his
position. As the Chinese came up the footpath, Wachel was first to open fire on them.
He had to be pretty delicate about it. Some of the GIs from 3rd Platoon had been withdrawing
along this same path, and he wasn’t sure that they had all cleared. So, in the
darkness, it was a problem to make certain that he was firing on an enemy target.
“The Chinese got to within 25 yards of the BAR. Wachel challenged them, and
they opened fire with two tommy guns. Then Wachel let them have a burst. Even
so, they did not go flat. Only a few moved at a time, and they came on in short rushes,
taking cover behind the rocks or at the far side of the house, but remaining standing.
Immediately after the first skirmishers moved up, the Chinese set up a machine gun
on the flat ground directly in front of the BAR position. Both Wachel and the riflemen
behind him took the gun under fire, but they couldn’t get a clear idea of its position
though it was less than 100 yards distant, and it continued to fire away. More of the
Chinese worked up to the house and took positions next it, with only the building separating
them from Wachel. Grenades began to come in on 1st Platoon’s left flank, but
the throwing was inaccurate and the explosions didn’t worry the men. Then WacheI
had a sudden idea; he set the house ablaze by firing into the roof. The thatch burned
brightly and the scene became well illuminated. Together, the light and the heat drove
back the Chinese who had moved in next the house. The machine gun kept firing.
“In a few minutes, from ground to the rear of the machine gun, the Chinese
opened fire with a 60-mm mortar against 1st Platoon’s left flank and the CP position.
Very quickly, they unloaded about 20 rounds on this critical area. Lt Stevens, Lt
Coleman, Lt Benson, and five enlisted men were hit by the mortar fire. Lt John N.
Knight moved one of the Company’s 60 mortars out to the left of the platoon’s line and
opened fire on the enemy mortar; for several minutes there was a direct duel between
the two pieces, with both crews serving their weapons about equally. Then the Chinese
dropped one round right amid the mortar crew. Three men were wounded, and though
the tube was not damaged, it ceased fire temporarily. Sitting a little way up the slope
from Wachel and the machine gun was Sgt Paul West, with a 3.5 launcher in his lap.
几分钟内,从开阔地到机枪巢后面,中国人用60毫米迫击炮打击1排的左翼和中部防线。很快他们就在这狭窄的地域投下20发迫击炮弹。斯蒂文中士,克莱曼中士,拜森中士和其他五名士兵立即中弹负伤。约翰 N 莱特中士移来一门连直属的60毫米迫击炮到排阵地的左外侧,开火压制敌人迫击炮。双方炮击位置互相对射了几分钟。随后中国人的一发炮弹准确命中炮位。虽然炮没有被打坏,不过三名炮兵都负伤了,直接导致迫击炮哑火,在瓦彻尔和机枪点后面斜坡上一点点距离是保罗 维斯特中士,他的手边正好有一具3.5寸火箭筒。
He had been watching the action, but so far had taken no part in it. So he raised the
launcher and let. go one rocket,. His first round hit the Chinese mortar dead on - at
225 yards range. It was the luckiest kind of a fluke shot. That cooled off the enemy
force attncking up the draw. When the mortar and crew were knocked out, their
machine gun went silent. The pressure was then deflected to an entirely new quarter.”
l In the defense of Hagaru-ri, Company I, 1st Marine Regiment, knocked out
two Hotchkiss machine guns at 150 yards range, using the 3.5 launcher at night. One
other gun was knocked out at somewhat shorter range. The crew commented that
they had to light> matches to set the sights on the launcher. They said that luminous
sights are badly needed for night operations.