主题:【翻译】对朝鲜战争步兵战斗与武器使用的评注(1950冬—1951年) -- 徐荣
The general performance by the family of mortars has been excellent. The several mortars serve the tactical need quite adequately. All three -the 4.2, 81-mm, and 60-mm - are given extensive use. Under the conditions imposed by the Korean terrain, each type has its particular role in the development of a balanced program of supporting fires.
Strong mortar action is perhaps more generally characteristic of the pattern of infantry fighting in Korea than of our operations during World War II. Infantry commanders have greater awareness of the mortar and are more likely to make full use of the mortar potential than previously.
Korea - being an unending complex of steep hills and sharp-faced ridges -is natural mortar country. Because the Chinese enemy in the night attack endeavors to smother the position at close range and his attacking line is frequently in defilade to our artillery fires by the time the attack is sensed, the mortars are given a wide variety of decisive fire missions.The limiting factor in mortar operation is usually the availability of ammunition rather than a failure at any command level to appreciate what the mortars can do.
Why this is so is readily seen. The battalions, and sometimes separate infantry companies, hold ground in relative detachment from other components of the MLR.
The unit may be 1500-3000 yards from its closest support on right and left and 2000-4000 yards forward of the supporting field artillery. Its position will usually be a hilltop or a ridge crest, if it is in the front line, or a defile covering a stream bed or roadway, if it is “blocking.” The hilltops are a long haul from the nearest supply point; the distance can be covered only by human carriers. Consequently, the 60-mm mortars are carried into the ground somewhat light as to ammunition load. If the 81s are also taken forward, in the average situation their ammunition, too, will be in short supply.
The usual 60-mm position is in a draw on the rearward slope of the friendly hill or at the base of it. On defense, the mortars customarily set up approximate to the CP. In the attack, they seek a position in defilade in a draw or ridge fold somewhere short of the skyline against which the rifle point is advancing. CCF almost never press an attack on the local ground in such way as to make a main impingement on the rear; habitually, they either attack from the front or from the flank via the gentlest slope (particularly if it is covered with tree and underbrush). In consequence, the main threat to the mortars which close with the company is the enemy mortar fire.
But however the unit is armed as to mortars operating from directly within the perimeter or setting up on the heels of the body in the attack, the heavier mortars are generally able to support the action from a distance. This is one of the very genuine fire advantages deriving from the hilliness of Korea and the enemy’s lack of air support and a competent artillery.
Within a few hundred yards to rear of the rifle line, there is always ground where the mortars can set up in defilade, if there is any danger from counter battery.Frequently, the situation is such that the 81s and 4.2s set up boldly in the open, wherever the ground is best for emplacing, and fire away in plain sight of the enemy-heid hill, out of practical range of his bullet-firing weapons.
It is not unusual to see the 81s, 4.2s, 75 recoilless, and sometimes the AA multiple-mount weapons all firing in battery from the same location against one broad target -this in support of the attack during daylight operations. The highly competitive aspects of this combined firing in close juncture tend to develop excessive expenditures.
“在朝鲜的步兵战术说明”这份文件已经涵盖了这个课题的很多细节。当气温在0℃ 到32℃之间时,迫击炮操作状态良好,没有什么特别严重的问题:地面仍有充分的弹性能缓冲对底盘的冲击力,升降螺丝杆也没有过度松动或磨损。当气温在-10℃到 -30℃之间时,情况就变得严峻了,如果迫击炮长时间以高速率发射,撞针还有特别是底盘的破损率就会使迫击炮报废。除了陆战一师在长津湖战役中的资料,我们在朝鲜的战斗经验中没有广泛的基本资料以进行这种对比。
This subject is covered in some detail in the document, “Notes on Infantry Tactics in Korea.”During operations in temperatures ranging between 0℃ and 32℃, the mortars stand up well, and there are no extraordinary problems; the ground is still sufficiently yielding to cushion the shock to the base plates, and there is no undue loosening and wearing of the elevating screws. In temperatures ranging between -10℃ and -30℃, this condition appears to alter radically, and if the mortars are fired for prolonged periods at a high rate, the rate of breakage in firing pins and particularly in base plates becomes disabling to operations. Other than the data from the 1st Marine Division during the Chosen Reservoir operation, there is no broad basis from the Korean experience for the making of this comparison.
This was the only winter campaign wherein the mortars were fired excessively for prolonged periods (12-14 days) under sub-zero conditions. Over-all, the durability of the mortars in all sizes was well attested during the course of Korean winter operations. Troops had no complaint on this score; within the 1st Marine Division; despite the fact that most of the mortars had to be replaced in whole or in part when the operation was completed, the commanders and crews felt that this did not reflect a lack of serviceability in any of the three weapons, though it did warn that a surplus of spare parts was a prerequisite for sub-zero operations. They said frankly that the rate of breakdown was due to excessive firing in extreme cold rather than to any fault in the structure.
这种武器在朝鲜的步兵战斗中像驮马一样任劳任怨。没有任何一种更新式的武器被应用于更广泛的用途或在部队中赢得了更多的宠爱。士兵们众口一词地表达了对它的热爱。4.2英寸迫击炮既精确又耐用;它的一次炮击具有和一发105mm炮弹轰击相当的冲击力;在连续执行任务和显著缓解紧急情况方面,它可能比步兵团中其他任何武器作用都大。一大批营长、团长评论到:他们希望看到步兵团里配备双倍的4.2英寸迫击炮,并觉得由此带来的战斗力增长,在任何地形和气候条件下都绝不会仅仅证明增加这点负担是必要的,(它必然会产生更多的战术价值)。在古土里防御战中广泛使用4.2英寸迫击炮之后,刘易斯 普勒上校作了如下评论:真是完美武器。我们有敏捷而训练有素的迫击炮组,他们让八门迫击炮同时开火,我们发现他们可以在第一枚炮弹爆炸之前向空中打出96发炮弹。
THE 4.2
This weapon is the workhorse of infantry operations in Korea. None of the
other relatively new weapons has been put to more general usage or found greater favor among troops. The enthusiasm for it is unanimous. The 4.2 is accurate and sturdy; the round packs as much wallop as a 105-mm shell; for continuity of performance, and visible impact upon an emergency situation, it is valued perhaps more highly than any other weapon within the infantry regiment. A number of battalion and regimental commanders commented that they would like to see twice as many 4.2s within the infantry regiment, and that they felt that the gain in fighting power, under almost any condition of terrain and climate, would more than justify the added burden. This comment was made by Co1 Lewis Puller, after extensive use of the 4.2 in the defense of Koto-ri: “It is a beautiful weapon. With a fast and well-trained crew and with all eight mortars firing, we found it possible to put 96 rounds in the air before the first one burst.”
下面这个典型的战报摘录涉及1951年2月进攻440高地时实施81mm迫击炮火力的情况。这支部队是第27团的重火器连。指挥官弗兰克 L. 迪特里希中尉的记述如下:“我们在2月4日16点45分进入阵地,在那一晚并没有开火。在2月5日4点30分,我收到在我们右翼的第35团遭受敌军进攻的消息。为了支援第35团,我们向高地发射了155发炮弹。我们地图上的数据相当精确,弹着误差不超过100码。天亮以后不久,我们开始射击以支援第3营(第27团的第3营正在从左翼沿着山脉走向进攻440高地)。我们不停地向2800—3000码远的目标射击。在那个白天,我们一共打了500发炮弹,用弹药运送车补给了两次,消耗了可载重1吨拖车载弹量的3/4。其中,57发是白磷弹;两次齐射的效果都很糟;还有七八发臭弹。由于校正机损坏,我们也有几次哑火。在这次战斗中, L连的SCR 300电台出了故障;我们改用营里的有线网络,直到另一部无线电台在那里恢复工作。否则,那将是一次理想的射击——尽善尽美。这个炮兵连里有一门炮参与了朝鲜战争爆发以来所有的战役。”
This mortar has done trojan service throughout the Korean campaign, and its illuminating round was used with particularly good effect during the Korean fighting until the scant supply petered out. It is given relatively more work than during World War II because of the short supply of 60-mm shell in the average company position.For close support of the infantry company withstanding night attack, the 81 mortar illumination is probably better than the 155-mm artillery shell because the circle of light created by the latter often covers too large an area, yielding some advantage to the attacker.
This typical extract covers operation of the 81s during the attack on Hill 440 in February 1951. The unit was Heavy Weapons Company of the 27th Regiment. The description is by Lt Frank L. Dietrich, commanding: “We went into position at 1645 on 4 Feb but we did not fire that night. At 0430 on 5 Feb I got word that the 35th Regiment on our right was under attack. We fired 155 rounds against the Hill in support of the 35th. Our map data was almost exact; it came out within less than 100 yards. Shortly after daylight we began firing in support of the battalion (3rd Battalion of 27th Regiment which was attacking Hill 440 along its length from the left flank). We were firing at’ 2800-3000 yards range. During that day, we fired 500 rounds, resupplying twice with carriers, using 3/4 tons with one-ton trailers. Of this amount, 57 rounds were WP; two salvos were altogether bad; seven or eight other rounds failed. We have also had misfires from breakage of the projector that the charge fits on. During the operation we had one radio failure - the SCR 300 in Love Company; we changed over to the battalion wire net until we got another radio up there. Otherwise, it was perfect fire all the way through - right on the button. There is one barrel in the battery which has served all through the Korean campaign.”
The 81s in this case were employed to fire against the central mass of Hill 440, covering the narrow, stony passages along the heights and leading back to the enemy’s support area. The 4.2s were used to smoke the hill as the American attack developed. The AA quad-50s, firing from approximately the same ground as the 81s traversed over a much wider arc, adjusting so that their fire kept approximately 50 yards ahead of our most forward skirmishers. The artillery was used both to augment the 4.2 in smoking the hill and further the HE missions of the 81s.
The atmospheric conditions were just right for the use of smoke. The first cloud effects were promising; the smoke held fairly well to the ridge crest. The infantry needed about 30 minutes of smoke to cover the distance with relative immunity to the CCF machine guns firing from bunkers tucked away among 440’s rocky ledges. But they had bounded not more than half the distance before all weapons ran out of smoke. The commander said this about it: “It was all due to lack of practice. We laid the smoke on too heavy in the beginning even before we had moved into the right area.I believe in the use of smoke, particularly in the attack. But this was the first time I’ve used it - with mortars - for screening since I’ve been in the Theater. Consequently the mortars had cut down on the amount they carry for our support, and when called on to use it, they couldn’t apportion it, evenly, according to the time required to work out the maneuver.”
Among the suggestions put forward by various commanders for modifying the 81-mm so as to make it more useful to the infantry regiment there were the following:
 Lighten it in “any manner possible” to increase its cross-country mobility.
Build it so that it could be broken down from a long barrel to a short barrel, thus making a lighter pack possible while preserving its heavy punch at the short ranges.
 Sectionalize the base plate so that the load can be distributed.
Alter metallurgically or in design the elevating screw, the breaking and rapid wearing of which is now the chief structural weakness in the weapon.
The unreliability of 60-mm ammunition in several types is the cause of chief criticism of the weapon in Korean operations.
In test firing of the 60 illuminating shell along the Imjin River in January 1951, the 25th Infantry Division found that the ammunition was approximately 35 percent defective. The round would leave the tube but would not produce a light.
Firing in combat, under more extreme cold, the 1st Marine Division at Koto-ri and Hagaru-ri got 80 to 90 percent negative results with the same round in the November battle.
The WP round has also performed spottily; more failures are reported with the 60 than with the 81 WP. It is conservative to say that during winter operations at least one in every five WP 60-mm rounds failed.