
主题:【原创】搜索长津湖之二:不是特遣队 -- 逸云三洲

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家园 一个美国老兵的回忆

姓名:Don G Mayville





简历:1949年在Fort Riley受基本训练;1950年,参加仁川登陆并随第31团级战斗队参加长津水库之战;1951——1953年在Fort Monmouth服役;1957——1958年,在德国Beyreuth的第3装甲师服役;1959——1961年,在德国Nellingen第168战斗工兵营服役;1962年,在Fort Jackson.S.C., Fort Dix, N.J., Fort Hood, Tx ,越南Quang Ngai省的第25机步师服役;1966年,在越南Ban Me Thout的第23机步师服役;1969年,在朝鲜的Howze军营;1971年,在泰国的Korat;1972年,在越南西贡;1973年,退伍;获CIB W/Star勋章、紫心勋章、铜星勋章、Army Comm勋章。


Dina13 Posted Sat 13 September 2003 14:31


Actually, I have not been able to talk to anybody about this because nobody really knows about the Korean War in particular, sad but true.

Chosin31st Posted Sun 14 September 2003 18:08

Dina——1950年,当朝鲜战争时我正在日本。我在日本共呆了六个月,然后就登船驶向朝鲜。这段时间足够我认识排里的人,了解他们住在哪里还有他们的兄弟姐妹、父母双亲。我们在富士山基地一起训练了几个星期,调试好我们的装备,更换损坏、报废的装备,还要训练编入我们排中的朝鲜士兵。我和他们睡在一起,一周7天、每天24小时都和他们一起训练。1950年9月18日,我们在仁川滩头登陆。我们上岸的时候,海军陆战队和一个陆军团已经占领滩头好久了。我们向南走了10英里,又停下来呆了5天。然后,我们被装上卡车运往位于朝鲜东南角的釜山,又在那里上船。我们在港口的船上呆了两个星期。我们向北航行,在北朝鲜登陆,一直向北行军,到了一个叫做长津水库的地方。在那里,我们第一次遭到入朝参战的中国人的打击。接着就是历时五天的战斗,第31团级战斗队3550人中的2550人或被打死或被俘虏。除了350个人身体健全,我们剩下的这些人都负了伤。这场战争和二次大战以来的其他小规模战争没有太大区别。天气很冷,有零下35—40度,我们没有冬装,所以在其他创伤之外,出现了大量的冻伤减员。你可以看看罗伊 阿普尔曼写的两本关于这些战斗的书,“East of Chosin”和 “Escaping the Trap”。两本很不错的书。关于朝鲜,我能说的就是这些了,因为我这一身老伤,我再也去不了朝鲜了。在1969年,作为非军事区的军士长,我回到了朝鲜。我让司机载我到仁川,可是那里盖了好多高楼大厦,我什么也认不出来了。

Dina----I was in Japan in 1950 when the Korean War started. I had arrived there six months before we were loaded on ships for the trip to Korea. Long enough to know the men in my platoon to know where they lived and about their sisters and brothers and parents. We trained together at the base of Mt Fuji for a few weeks to get our equipment ready and replacements for broken and worn out equipment, and train the Korean Soldiers that were assigned to each platoon. I slept in the same area with them and worked with them 24/7. WE landed on the Beach in Inchon on 18 Sept 1950. Well after the Marines and one Army Regt secured the beach. WE marched south ten miles and stopped for five days. We were then loaded on trucks and taken to Pusan, on the southeast bottom corner of Korea and loaded on ships. WE stayed on the ships for two weeks in the harbor. We went up North and made a beachhead in North Korea and on to a place called the Chosin Reservoir. There we were hit by the Chinese entering Korea for the first time. A five day battle ensued and 2550 men out of 3550 were either killed or taken prisoner. The rest of us were wounded except for 350 able bodies men. That war wasn't much different from skirmishes from WW II. It was cold, 35-40 below zero and we didn't have winter clothing, so there were mass casualties with frostbite, besides other wounds. You can read about these battles in two books by Roy Appleman titled, "East of Chosin", and "Escaping the Trap. Two very good books. That was my extent of Korea because my wounds wouldn't let me back in Korea. I did go back in 1969 as a First/Sgt on the DMZ. Had my driver take me to Inchon, but could'nt recognize anything. It was so built up.

Dina13 Posted Thu 18 September 2003 15:18


Thank you so much for all that you have told me , especially Chosin31st! I'm so very sorry to hear what a time you went through, but at the same time I was a bit teary-eyed to read your post. That is honestly about as close as I've gotten to hear anything about what my grandfather went through for however many months he was there. I've written down both books you recommended and am going home next weekend and plan to check them out while I am there. Thank you once again for your story and for what you have done in the military. I appreciate so much that you took the time to tell me just a smidge of what you could. Feel free to write anytime, it was truely a priviledge to hear from you.

Chosin31st Posted Fri 19 September 2003 19:01

欢迎你,Dina。你或许可以在地方图书馆找到这些书。我在这里的地方图书馆找到了“East of Chosin”。战斗总是大同小异,只是战役有所不同。开枪就是开枪。年轻人对朝鲜战争感兴趣,我很高兴。有一个网页The Korean War Project。你可以点击进入the guestbook。数以千计的朝鲜战争老兵,包括我在内每天浏览这个网页。有很多朝战老兵的亲属到这里查找与自己亲人有关的信息,因为老兵总是把故事埋藏在自己心底。

You're welcome Dina. You might find these books in the local lilbrary. I found East of Chosin in the local library here. Combat is about the same, although the operations are different. Getting shot at is getting shot at. I'm just glad that young people are interested in the Korean War. There is a home page called The Korean War Project. You might put an entry in the guestbook. Thousands of Korean Veterans read this page everyday, including myself. There are so many relatives of Korean Veterans looking for information on their relatives because the Veteran kept his stories to himself.

Dina13 Posted Thu 02 October 2003 19:12

谢谢你告诉我这个秘密,Chosin31! 我进入了the guestbook,贴了关于我所查找信息的一个公告。你可帮了我的大忙。我去过地方图书馆,可是我就学的那个城市太小了,看来我只能在回家后再去找这些书了。我知道你的意思,亲身开火的经历比书中写的内容更真实鲜活,但我还是要谢谢你对我的所有帮助,再次谢谢你。

lildog2 Posted Tue 11 November 2003 10:30


I have found no method of obtaining the roster of Platoon 22, for then or now, and understand that all but three men were killed of that Platoon.

Chosin31st Posted Sat 15 November 2003 13:51

我记得见到过一个海军陆战队老兵的电子信箱:[email protected]。你可以试着和他联系,他去过长津水库。

I remember seeing an Marine whose email address was [email protected]. You might try him. He was at the Chosin.

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