
主题:【注意】人生大忌28 -- sunchips

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家园 人生大忌之快乐版

1. 跟网友见面----------found a losing buddy  

  2、跟知己上床 ---------getting more closed

  3、和情人结婚 --------save money on the telehone bill      

  4、把爱好当成职业 -----make money based on joy

  5、把同事当成朋友 -----it will make you feel good in the office     

  6、借钱给朋友 ---------at least you know his address, right?

  7、到朋友的公司打工----make money and help a friend at the same time   

  8、在上司面前知无不言--"Fxxk You,asshole" you said to him

  9、轻信上司的许诺------we all need a good night sweet dream     

  10、喜怒哀乐都挂在脸上-it will make you and the others much easier

  11、在人堆里大声讲手机-yes, I won. what a good feeling

  12、头发油光可鉴,皮鞋却满是灰尘--it is a good reason for you to shop

  13、不会给自己找借口或是习惯于给自己找借口--well, as least you feel better

  14、相信仅靠努力不靠运气和机遇就可以成功或是相反--same as above

  15、总是幻想一夜暴富或是从不相信奇迹 --same as above

16、自作多情,别人礼貌地夸上一句就晕菜--come on, give yourself a chance

  17、超车过去,看开着车有着窈窕背影的MM的脸-say hi, and you may get a date

  18、对MM的新衣服和新发型视而不见 ---#$$%%^, good for her self-confidence

  19、始终学不会艺术地恭维MM---it may be a good thing for you, ist it?

  20、在感兴趣的MM面前吹嘘自己的魅力和艳遇--yeah, we need show off a bit

  21、小心翼翼地问MM:“我可以吻你吗?”---fter u aleady have sex with her?

  22、对MM的“不”字信以为真 ---she said: i did not disagree with you

  23、介绍才结识的漂亮MM与英俊的光棍朋友相识 --so what, you are the best

  24、向老婆坦白从前的感情经历---and try to make fun of it, nice

  25、介绍老情人和老婆交朋友 ---a good manage skills

  26、没有私房钱或是被老婆发现私房钱 --give to her now and save later

  27、迷恋网络游戏和网上聊天 ---a good way to know people and the world

  28、朋友一起聚餐总是抢着买单 --well, make everybody as happy as you do

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