主题:【评论】美伊战争,出路何在? -- Highway
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Soldiers of U.S. Army's 4th Infantry Division (Task Force Ironhorse) roll out razor wire as they set up a check point on a road outside Tikrit, 110 miles north of Baghdad, November 3, 2003. U.S. troops are setting up check points outside Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tirkrit to search vehicles for weapons that could be used against the occupation forces after eighteen Americans died in guerrilla attacks in Iraq Sunday, including 15 soldiers killed when insurgents shot down their Chinook helicopter near the town of Falluja REUTERS/Damir Sagolj
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醒了,改过了哦。 萨苏 字61 2003-11-04 22:47:38
哈哈哈哈,精彩!这个围而不打极妙。可惜啊,BUSH还是陷进去了。 西风陶陶 字0 2003-11-03 22:37:31
😜【天下第一驴】美国永远不会逃离伊拉克。支持该分类词的举手。 西风陶陶 字3216 2003-11-03 17:26:00
搞笑,美国在第一天就说萨达姆已被炸死,现在又说他在影响伊拉克人反美。 梦晓半生 字433 2003-11-03 17:25:03
我怀疑萨达姆已经死了,美国佬不公布而已 石璧 字76 2003-11-02 20:26:34
看看布什怎么收拾这个摊子! Highway 字0 2003-11-02 21:23:18
布什大选会赢么? DreamCatcher 字54 2003-11-04 16:06:35