
主题:【原创】二战波兰政治形势的一些历史根源 -- 顾剑

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家园 还思考的人呢,瞎说不会羞耻的吗



Out of 80 then-existing nations, only 23 recognised the new state. The League of Nations (via the Lytton Report) declared that Manchuria remained rightfully part of China, leading Japan to resign its membership in 1934. Of the major powers Imperial Japan, Vichy France, Fascist Italy, Spain and Nazi Germany recognised Manchukuo diplomatically. In addition Manchukuo gained recognition from the Japanese collaborationist government of China under Wang Jingwei, as well as El Salvador and the Dominican Republic. Although the Chinese government did not recognise Manchukuo, the two countries established official ties for trade, communications and transportation.

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