
主题:这个吴莹莹是谁?怎么什么谎都敢撒? -- 锦候

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家园 这个吴莹莹是谁?怎么什么谎都敢撒?




Break Academic Corrupt Made by Young Students-Do You Believe A 21-Year-Old Talent?

Yingying Wu, the 21 year old “talented girl” from Peking Normal University, was recently announced “Vice President of Operation” in Asia by Topcoder. The third year girl, who is the new upcoming legend, has become a “promotional figure” by her University and the Ministry of Education.

The timeline is:Topcoder's press release on October 25; Press conference given by Wu and Beijing Normal University(now this school claim that they did not check on what she told them) on December 7; Chinese Media's glowing report on her between December 8 to December 10; then Chinese netter's digging and questioning followed by media's investigation.

So, should you believe what you hear?

From news media, we know that the girl is in possession of “over a hundred inventions and three national patents”[Source1, details on the inventions and patents].(Link in Chinese)


“Yingying Wu, class of 2007, Peking Normal University, is playing an impressive melody with her twenty years devotion. She has made more than one hundred inventions and three national patents during the past fifteen years in which she was devoted to innovation; for the first time, she has glorified her University by winning the international software design competition which is unprecedented…(from Chinese news report)”

“On her way to innovation in the past decade, she has never ceased achieving. These achievements include: more than one hundred inventions, three of which are patented in China and some other are in the process of international patent application…”

(From Chinese new report)


Put it this way, “more than one hundred inventions and three national patents” are the corner stones of her legend. What are these inventions? What can be called an invention? I trust most of you have tried at some point to make handcrafts of some sort, so can we call Mr. Pumpkin on Halloween your new invention, despite how much effort you put into it or how many hours you spend carving it? We have no source whatsoever to validate how many inventions she really has because you can’t stop her from talking after all. But we did hear what she said during an interview with Sohu.com, a major Chinese website:”

“All my inventions originate from my life.”

Interviewer: “I am sure you remember your very first invention, so, can you tell me what had motivated you?”

Wu: “I think all my inventions are from life and based on life, like my first invention, the ‘water-absorbing flower pot’. I used to live with my grandpa when I was little, I saw him watering the flower with a water tank twice a day. I asked him why he had to water the flowers so frequently, and I was told that watering the flowers twice a day keeps the soil moist. I remembered what he said then. Then I said to myself: Is there a way in which my grandpa doesn’t have to water the flowers so frequently and meanwhile the flowers won’t die from drought? Then I read from the children’s encyclopedia that when you put one end of a towel in a basin full of water, keeping the other end out of the basin, the water can be emptied gradually. Then I got inspiration from it. By a lot of trials and modifications, I finally had this invention: I put a small flower pot inside a bigger one and filled the middle area with water. And I used a thread to connect them. This way, the flowers can keep moist all the time.”

Oh my God, we finally know what invention is! During the interview, she never again mentioned anything about her invention, but instead was more focused on her dances and readings.”

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