
主题:【原创】走向上甘岭(附后续贴子的目录) -- pxpxpx

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此要求相当合理, 做研究无他, 首先第一条就是用证据说话

下面是The Rakkasans: The Combat History of the 187th Airborne Infantry,第244页的记载, 他们这个团10月15号之前在搞假两栖登陆, 之后全部转往日本, 期间就一个倒霉蛋胡闹上去挂啤酒的时候摔断了腿,其余都安全回到日本,

The 187th troopers and the airmen of the Troop Carrier Wings were

positive that they were going to make another combat jump. On the

fourth day of the 187th's isolation, navy and air force planes attacked

the beachhead near Kojo, north of the MLR. On the fifteenth of Octo-

ber, the Navy launched mock amphibious landings along, the east coast.

C-46s and C-119s in V of V's, but with only flight crews aboard, flew over

the mock amphibious landing areas and then headed out to sea. Shortly

thereafter, waves of fighter bombers hit the area. But the enemy reac-

tion was almost negligible. Eighth Army called off the land operations

and "Operation Feint" lived up to its designation.

That night, C-124s began lifting the 187th back to its home bases on

Kyushu, ending its second tour in the Korean War. There was one

casualty: Cpl. Leslie Step, ex-ranger, broke his leg when he fell from the

top of the main gate at Camp Wood while he attempted to hang a

Welcome Home banner. The rest of the RCT made it without much


其实志愿军方面的记载也可以看出怀疑的地方, 为何这个空降团上来只打一天?


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