
主题:【原创】我所认识的基督教 -- 数字马甲

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我的很多信息来自Richard Dawkins的一本书《The God Delusion》。Richard Dawkins是当代最著名的无神论者之一,他本身是杰出的进化论专家。他的书显然是反宗教的,所以他的观点也许会有偏颇。我只是摘录其中的几段供大家讨论。

<The Gold Delusion> p254 Love Thy Neighbour

(this paragraph refers to John Hartung's research http://www.lrainc.com/swtaboo/taboos/ltn01.html)

Hartung's interpretation of the Bible suggests that it offers no grounds for such smug complacency among Christians (that they will "disappear" into heaven when the "end time" comes). Jesus limited his in-group of the saved strictly to Jews, in which respect he was following the Old Testament tradition, which was all he knew. Hartung clearly shows that 'Thou shalt not kill' was never intended to mean what we now think it means. It meant, very specifically, thou shalt not kill Jews. And all those commandments that make reference to 'they neighbour' are equally exclusive. 'Neighbour' means fellow Jew. Moses Mainmonides, the highly repected twelfth-centry rabbi and physician, expounds the full meaning of 'Thou shalt not kill' as follows: 'if one slays a single Israelite, he transgresses a negative commandment, for Scripture says, Thou shalt not murder. If one Murders wilfully in the presence of witnesses, he is put to death by the sword. Needless to say, one is not put to death if he kills a heathen." Needless to say!

.... what if he were to throw a stone into a group of nie heathens and one Israelite and have the misfortune to kill the Israelite? Hm, difficult! But the answer is ready. 'Then his nonliability can be inferred from the fact that the majority were heathens.'

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