
主题:【原创】新冷战:重新瓜分欧洲的可能性 -- 子玉

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      • 家园 这位兄台有必要稍微了解一下波兰的历史







      • 家园 波兰天真?


    • 家园 Operation Sarkozy

      Operation Sarkozy : how the CIA placed one of its agents at the presidency of the French Republic

      by Thierry Meyssan


    • 家园 再转一料:以色列和格鲁吉亚被曝有密约 格防长曾是以国人

      格鲁吉亚国防部长达维特·卡泽拉什维利曾经是以色列人,他极力推动用 国提供的援助购买以色列的武器。以色列《耶路撒冷邮报》8月12日报道,格鲁吉亚总理弗拉第米尔·国金尼兹专门致电以色列非常具有影响力的拉比阿龙·莱伯·斯泰因曼,称希望他“为我们的国家祈祷”。




    • 家园 推荐一篇很有料的文章


      The Eurasian Corridor: Pipeline Geopolitics and the New Cold War

      by Michel Chossudovsky


      The July 1-2, 2008 GUAM Summit Batumi meetings, under the chairmanship of President Saakashvili, focused on the central issue of pipeline and transportation corridors. The theme of the Summit was a "GUAM – Integrating Europe’s East”, from an economic and strategic-military standpoint, essentially with a view to isolating Russia.

      The presidents of Azerbaijan, Georgia and the Ukraine (respectively Ilham Aliyev, Mikheil Saakashvili and Viktor Yushchenko) were in attendance together with the presidents of Poland, Lech Kaczynski, and Lithuania, Valdas Adamkus. Moldova's head of State flatly refused to attend this summit.

      The "US-GUAM Summit"

      Barely acknowledged by the media, a so-called "US-GUAM Summit" meeting was also held on July 1st on the sidelines of the official GUAM summit venue.

      US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State David Merkel met both GUAM and non-GUAM delegations behind closed doors. Several bilateral meetings were held including a Poland GUAM meeting (during which the issue of the US missile defense shield on Polish territory was most probably addressed). Private meetings were also held on July 1st and 2nd at the residence of the Georgian President.

      另一个是从1999年以来美国对挺进里海的系统准备,官方的名称叫“丝绸之路战略”Silk Road Strategy (SRS),这个丝绸之路就是一条杀伐之路,这一招黑虎掏心的针对对象交代得很明确

      While the 1999 SRS legislation (HR 3196) was adopted by the House of Representatives, it never became law. Despite this legislative setback, the Silk Road Strategy became, under the Bush Administration, the de facto basis of US-NATO interventionism,

      "The development of strong political, economic, and security ties among countries of the South Caucasus and Central Asia and the West [which] will foster stability in this region, which is vulnerable to political and economic pressures from the south, north, and east. [meaning Russia to the North, Iraq, Iran and the Middle East to the South and China to the East] (106th Congress, Silk Road Strategy Act of 1999)



      Russia’s August 29 agreement with Tajikistan that allows Russia to expand its presence at Tajikstan’s Gissar Airport. The fact of that agreement was a potentially devastating blow to Washington’s Eurasia geopolitical strategy. Tajikistan, a remote central Asian country with dependence on Russia for export of its uranium and dependent on heroin for much of its income, was drawing closer to a strategic link with Washington after 2005. In the wake of the Russian reaction in Georgia, Tajikistan’s dictator President, Emomali Rakhmon clearly decided his best security guarantee lay in closer ties with Moscow not Washington.

    • 家园 惊奇,又可以埋地雷了?





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