
主题:【原创】刚刚想夸google两句……还是不夸了 -- 晨池

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    • 家园 safari字体漂亮,firefox可以全比例缩放

      这是我所看重的。看来每个人用户体验都不尽相同。不过,我基本上还是都用firefox 3,装了所需插件后功能没话说。

      如果长时间看文字密集型网页(例如小说),safari还是很爽。而firefox 3可以随意缩放。Chrome要是哪一天也能有这两样功能,我立马就换。

    • 家园 Chrome 灭 Safari 就跟 Maxthon

      灭 IE 一样的天方夜谭

      如果可能就算全部的 Win 用户都改用 Chrome 都无所谓,Apple 该乐死了。

      • 家园 but chrome

        will eat away firefox's share.

        • 家园 True

          Apple couldn't care less about Mozilla, nor it is interested in sabotaging Firefox's growth, more W3C compatibility is always welcomed by Apple, and Google.

          Google's ambition is all about web platform,web based applications are the future of Google. It have to secure a portal - thus Chrome, the gateway to Google's cloud.

          • True
            家园 so it will be a lock-in

            no chrome, no love from goggle?

            openness is the way to prosperity.

            • 家园 Google don't need to lock V8

              JS Engine in da house.

              And as long as all these JS engines are 100% compatible, Google's Apps will work perfectly fine on all of them.

              It's just Google can't thrust the current market leader MS to keep its own behavior in line, so it have to take some initiatives.

              That's why we see this Chrome chimera now, it's more like Google's WebApps Vanguard & fallback plan in combination

    • 家园 人家还是BETA版嘛,要求不能太高;-)




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