
主题:【原创】小评美国电影协会百年百大电影 -- 小椰

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            • 家园 哦,是我没记清楚


      • 家园 看过的几部,译名稍有不同哈

        Bonnie and Clyde (1967) 邦尼和克莱德----看影评知道最后一场两人被突突了的戏很经典,看的时候也很震撼。

        Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) 史密斯先生上华府----老美对政治有颇为矛盾的看法:一方面是“政治这玩艺儿黑啊”,各种阴谋论,只要能想到的,层出不穷;另一方面,又总相信(或者指望)有一个圈外人outsider能一举杀进华府荡涤黑暗,这部电影就是,类似的还有“农家女(选议员的故事)”“冒牌总统dave”。现实中,从里根到奥巴马,也都有寄托“史密斯先生”的意思。

        Doctor Zhivago (1965) 日瓦戈医生----呵呵,因为事先知道帕斯捷尔纳克,俺是抱着看反动影片的心理看的。

        结果大失所望,给我印象最深的是北俄风光,音乐和拉拉的美貌----实际上有不少意见说老美糟蹋了原著。 对了,俺也不太能接受日瓦戈搞婚外恋。


      • 家园 我觉得奇爱博士比太空漫游好看

        后边一部效果很炫,但有点看不懂,尤其不明白结尾到底是什么意思。奇爱博士还是很搞笑的,后来才知道peter sellers一个人演了三个角色

      • 家园 西北偏北


    • 家园 喜欢请继续


      • 家园 哈哈


        • 哈哈
          家园 是地是地,星战可是人家美国文化的标志之一啊


    • 家园 《毕业生》的结局并不浪漫



      • 家园 要不怎么说是新好莱坞的开山之作呢



      • 家园 真的!


    • 家园 送花!





      勞倫斯作品中的一些章節,以及他在軍中同事的回憶,反映出他有性受虐狂傾向,喜歡鞭打和肉體的痛苦。1917年12月,勞倫斯曾在漢志鐵路沿線的德拉被土軍抓獲並遭雞姦和鞭打[來源請求]。勞倫斯另一個引人爭議的話題是其性傾向。《智慧的七柱》一書署明「致S.A.」的序言,被認為是寫給一個叫達霍姆(Dahoum全名為謝赫·艾哈邁德,Sheikh Ahmed)的14歲阿拉伯男孩的情詩(見引文)。達霍姆曾於1914年和勞倫斯一起在卡赫美士考古工地工作,兩人關係密切,勞倫斯拒絕澄清兩人有肉體關係的傳言,並在返回英國時將達霍姆帶回國與其同居。1916年,勞倫斯將達霍姆派往奧斯曼帝國統治下的阿拉伯北部聯繫阿拉伯民族主義分子,1917年,達霍姆因斑疹傷寒去世。勞倫斯後來在《智慧的七柱》中說,他的夢想——為阿拉伯人民贏得政治自由——本意就是想作為一份禮物送給達霍姆的。


      Although there is "little evidence of any sexuality at all", suggesting asexuality, a few writers maintain that evidence can be found pointing to alleged homosexuality on Lawrence's part. Most scholars, including his official biographer, are sceptical of such claims.

      Lawrence did not discuss his sexual orientation or practices but in a letter to a homosexual man, Lawrence wrote that he did not find homosexuality morally wrong, yet he did find it distasteful.[17] In the book T. E. Lawrence by His Friends, many of Lawrence's friends are adamant that he was not homosexual but simply had little interest in the topic of sex. Not one of them suspected him of homosexual inclinations. E.H.R. Altounyan, a close friend of Lawrence, wrote the following in T. E. Lawrence by His Friends:

      "Women were to him persons, and as such to be appraised on their own merits. Preoccupation with sex is (except in the defective) due either to a sense of personal insufficiency and its resultant groping for fulfilment, or to a real sympathy with its biological purpose. Neither could hold much weight with him. He was justifiably self sufficient, and up to the time of his death no woman had convinced him of the necessity to secure his own succession. He was never married because he never happened to meet the right person; and nothing short of that would do[...]."

      There is one clearly homoerotic passage in the Introduction, Chapter 2, of Seven Pillars of Wisdom: "quivering together in the yielding sand, with intimate hot limbs in supreme embrace."

      The book is dedicated to "S.A." with a poem that begins:

      "I loved you, so I drew these tides of men into my hands

      and wrote my will across the sky in stars

      To gain you Freedom, the seven-pillared worthy house,

      that your eyes might be shining for me

      When I came."[18]

      The identity of "S.A." remains unclear; it has been argued that these initials identify a man, a woman, a nation, or some combination of the above. Lawrence himself maintained that "S.A." was a composite character.[citation needed] One specific claim is that S.A. is Selim Ahmed, also called Dahoum, a young Arab who worked with Lawrence at a pre-war archaeological dig at Carchemish, with whom Lawrence is said to have had a close relationship, and who apparently died of typhus in 1918. However, others maintain that Dahoum was merely an extremely close friend of the type common in the 19th and early 20th centuries, which often involved (non-sexual) physical contact. Lawrence himself, perhaps dissembling, maintained that "S.A." was a composite character.

      In Seven Pillars, Lawrence claims that, while reconnoitering Deraa in Arab disguise, he was captured, beaten, and raped.[19] Modern biographers have questioned whether the incident ever occurred: in part, because there are problems with the chronology of Lawrence's account, in part because his subsequent sex life revolved around male flagellation, and also, because the Ottoman commander whom he accuses of whipping and sodomising him went on to lead a blameless post-war life. Lawrence's own statements and actions concerning the incident have contributed to the confusion: he removed the page from his war diary which would have covered the November 1917 week in question.

      Lawrence hired people to whip him, indicating that he had a taste for masochism.[20] Also, years after the Deraa incident, Lawrence embarked on a rigid programme of physical rehabilitation, including diet, exercise, and swimming in the North Sea. During this time he recruited men from the service and told them a story about a fictitious uncle who, because Lawrence had stolen money from him, demanded that he enlist in the service and that he be beaten. Lawrence wrote letters purporting to be from the uncle ("R." or "The Old Man") instructing the men in how he was to be beaten, yet also asking them to persuade him to stop this. This treatment continued until his death.[21]

      Discussion about Lawrence's sexuality began with Richard Aldington's critical Lawrence of Arabia: A Biographical Inquiry (1955). Richard Meinertzhagen wrote in his Middle East Diary that upon meeting Lawrence, he asked himself, "Boy or girl?" – though historians widely consider this to have been added after the fact. The play Ross (1960) by Terence Rattigan, as well as the famous David Lean film Lawrence of Arabia, helped introduce the idea into popular culture.

      • 家园 一直在混兄调查的佷详细呀!






        • 家园 花这句:



        • 家园 有些歌舞片还是很值得一看的

          中国人最熟的应该是<音乐之声>吧,另外几部,除了你上面列出的TOP20的几部,还有<窈窕淑女>,<西区故事>(现在我终于知道了唐三藏的"only you"的出处了:-)也非常好.



          <热情似火>是我最喜欢的喜剧片之一,另外一部是<一夜风流>.最精彩的还不是梦露的性感,而是Jack Lemmon的演技.片尾的"Noboday is perfect"应该算是史上最搞笑的台词之一了吧.

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