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        • 家园 请问怎么个发达法
          • 家园 以下是一组数字

            The United States adult film industry produces 4,000–11,000 films and earns an estimated $9–$13 billion in gross revenues annually. An estimated 200 production companies employ 1,200–1,500 performers.






            • 家园 力量很分散


        • 家园 地主家也没有余粮

          色情业也要政府bail out了。早几年有谁能想象到这一点呢。


          • 家园 那只是Hugh Hefner的一句玩笑话


            除了他以外绝大多数AV业都是中小企业,dot com公司,该怎样就怎样。

            • 家园 以后playmates是联邦雇员也说不定



              只要说playboy是american institution就够了。呵呵。以后playmates是联邦雇员也说不定。

              • 家园 这里有更为详细的分析

                我搞错了,不是Hefner,而是《Hustler》的Larry Flynt和Girls Gone Wild的Joe Francis。就他们两个人,而且狮子大开口,要50亿。他们要那么多钱干什么?色情业向来属于自由左派,这次更象政治活报剧。

                看看Huffington Post的报道:

                An article in next month's Atlantic asks, "Is porn recession proof?" According to porn magnate Larry Flynt and "Girls Gone Wild" king Joe Francis, the answer is no.

                TMZ reports that the pornographer pair is heading to Washington to ask for a $5 billion porn bailout:

                "With all this economic misery and people losing all that money, sex is the farthest thing from their mind," Flynt says. "It's time for Congress to rejuvenate the sexual appetite of America."

                Francis sees his industry like the big three automakers, only BIGGER: "Congress seems willing to help shore up our nation's most important businesses; we feel we deserve the same consideration."

                In the Atlantic article, Tom Johansmeyer reports that AdultVest, a hedge fund run by Francis Koenig that invests in porn-related assets, was up 50% in 2008 (a number that Joe Wiesenthal at ClusterStock says ought to be taken with a grain of salt). Johansmeyer goes on to discuss the recession effect on the porn industry:

                Relatively small, fragmented, and unaccustomed to outside investment, the U.S. porn industry (which generated roughly $12 billion in 2007) is somewhat buffered from today's credit crunch, but it has its own problems. Video sales have been falling by 15 percent a year since 2005, and online content doesn't deliver the returns it used to, now that Web sites such as RedTube and PornHub basically give it away. Struggling companies need investors to help right their operations, and those that are thriving in a brutal market need funding for growth.

                Enter Koenig and AdultVest. He sees the porn downturn as temporary and believes that technological improvements will trigger a turnaround. One example: iPorn, a start-up in AdultVest's portfolio that is developing an application to deliver porn to the Apple iPod. "The industry's not going anywhere," Koenig says. "You've got 6 billion people on the planet," he laughs, "and they're all horny."


                Relatively small, fragmented, and unaccustomed to outside investment, the U.S. porn industry (which generated roughly $12 billion in 2007) is somewhat buffered from today's credit crunch, but it has its own problems. Video sales have been falling by 15 percent a year since 2005, and online content doesn't deliver the returns it used to, now that Web sites such as RedTube and PornHub basically give it away. Struggling companies need investors to help right their operations, and those that are thriving in a brutal market need funding for growth.

                Enter Koenig and AdultVest. He sees the porn downturn as temporary and believes that technological improvements will trigger a turnaround. One example: iPorn, a start-up in AdultVest's portfolio that is developing an application to deliver porn to the Apple iPod. "The industry's not going anywhere," Koenig says. "You've got 6 billion people on the planet," he laughs, "and they're all horny."


      • 家园 花这句



        • 家园 除了AV,日本没有能拿出的东西


      • 家园 看到您对社会的四分法,眼前一亮,新角度,赞一个。


      • 家园 日本政府的特点就是掩耳盗铃被窝里放屁








      • 家园 越发


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