
主题:ABBA的歌儿 (1) -- 恒光明

  • 共: 💬 34 🌺 69
    • 啊爸的歌,我只喜欢LayAllYourLoveOnMe
    • ABBA的歌曲,不论在什么时候都应该被称为经典的。

      很早的时候就听过sos和dancing queen.可我这一代人比较少知道ABBA的。在一个满偶然的机会下我知道了,后来收集到了他们的所有专辑。真是百听不厌的。


    • 偶最喜欢的ABBA是这一首



      ABBA -- The Day Before You Came

      I must have left my house at eight

      because I always do

      my train, I’m certain

      left the station just when it was due

      I must have read the morning paper

      going into town

      and having gotten through the editorial

      no doubt I must have frowned

      I must have made my desk

      around a quarter after nine

      with letters to be read

      and heaps of papers waiting to be signed

      I must have gone to lunch

      at half past twelve or so

      the usual place, the usual bunch

      and still on top of this

      I’m pretty sure it must have rained

      the day before you came

      I must have lit my seventh

      cigarette at half past two

      and at the time I never

      even noticed I was blue

      I must have kept on dragging

      through the business of the day

      without really knowing anything

      I hid a part of me away

      at five I must have left

      there’s no exception to the rule

      a matter of routine

      I’ve done it ever since I finished school

      the train back home again

      undoubtedly I must have

      read the evening paper then

      oh yes, I’m sure my life was

      well within its usual frame

      the day before you came

      I must have opened my front door

      at eight o’clock or so

      and stopped along the way

      to buy some Chinese food to go

      I’m sure I had my dinner

      watching something on TV

      there’s not, I think, a single

      episode of Dallas that I didn’t see

      I must have gone to bed

      around a quarter after ten

      I need a lot of sleep and so

      I like to be in bed by then

      I must have read a while

      the latest one by Marilyn French

      or something in that style

      it’s funny, but I had no sense

      of living without aim

      the day before you came

      And turning out the light

      I must have yawned and

      cuddled up for yet another night

      and rattling on the roof

      I must have heard the sound of rain

      the day before you came

      • 排行榜确实说明不了什么

        特别是象歌曲这样感性的东西, 自己喜欢的就是最好的.

        两年前我淘到过一张ABBA 1976年版Dancing Queen的胶木唱片,高兴了好几天

    • 想起来一个好朋友的博客

      几周前得知地处Sandton的Le Canard (“鸭子”法国餐厅)要搞一个“Mama Mia!”的大餐,尽管知道这是纯粹的商业噱头,但还是立马预定了,毕竟是Le Canard的老顾客了,他们以前搞的一些活动都挺别致的(诸如 “泰坦尼克”号的最后晚宴等等),最重要的是我们可以在享用希腊美酒,美食和地中海风情的同时,重温“Mama Mia!”!

      被告知当晚的着装是 “半正式 or 七零年代”,可我们翻箱倒柜也找不出几件象样的70年代的行头来(奇怪了,我的牛仔喇叭裤呢?),只好退而求其次,换上我的西装.妻也只好套上一条花一点的裙子,匆忙上路, Mama Mia,here we go again!

      等我们八点钟达到Le Canard,餐厅的花园里一排排的长桌椅上已是快坐满了人. 花园以白帆作顶,桌椅则铺上了白色餐布,尽量营造希腊小岛的氛围.我们两人在四周清一色的老年白人中,非常地扎眼,礼貌地和“邻居们”寒暄后,可以看的出他们眼中的不解:年纪轻轻的中国人也懂得欣赏ABBA?

      不得不提的是,当晚的Godfather葡萄酒真是不错,我不知不觉喝下了三四杯,居然也没有醉意.杯光酒影中,主持人出场.原来,并没有演员,仅有一支小型乐队.每人得到一本歌词后,才意识到搞了半天,是要我们唱啊!你可以想象这支高龄合唱队的效果,五音不全也罢了,还有因为字太小,干脆在念的,唱到一半,主持人大吼:“翻页!”,我隔壁的老太太看着我愣了几秒才幡然醒悟:“Oh, my dear!” 赶快翻页…

      接下来上头盘,几样精致的希腊冷菜.再唱的时候,大家的乐感明显好多了.等到主菜下肚,酒过三巡,那合唱的水准真和专业的有一拼了!!!吃罢甜品,也就快到尾声了.这一场热闹的晚宴,在彩灯和星光交相辉映下,在“Thank you for the music”的曼妙歌声中,渐渐在我们身后消失…

      So I say 所以我说

      Thank you for the music, the songs I’m singing 感谢这音乐,这歌儿

      Thanks for the joy they’re bringing 带给我的欢乐

      Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty 真的,没有这一切

      What would life be? 生命该是多么地失落

      Without a song or a dance 没有歌舞的生活

      What are we? 我们又是什么?

      So I say, thank you for the music 所以,感谢音乐

      For giving it me 把快乐交给了我



      • 在这里参加过不少次Party

        几乎每次都能听到’Dancing Queen’或者’Take a change on me’

        去年参加过激流岛一个葡萄庄园的酒会, 席间,助兴的乐队唱起了’Dancing Queen’和’Honey Honey’, 唱着唱着就成了合唱了.

        蓝天碧海, 翠绿的葡萄园, 美酒美女…天上人间,想必也不过如此.

    • ABBA的歌儿 (2)

      Money , money , money ,always sunny in the rich man's world



      ‘Gimme Gimme Gimme’和‘I Have a Dream’或许是国人最早接触到ABBA歌曲,‘I Have a Dream’曾被收录在80年代国内相当出名的一盘盒式磁带中,同时收录的还有'Country Road','Yesterday Once More'等等。

      ‘I Have a Dream’的童声合唱版本


      ‘Gimme Gimme Gimme’的旋律,知道80年代歌手费翔或者张蔷的人一定不会陌生,因为它有一个中国山寨版本‘恼人的秋风’


      ABBA原唱的‘Gimme Gimme Gimme’


      • I have a dream我的最爱之一,而且




      • 本人接触ABBA的歌也属偶然

        那还要说起风靡大陆的韩剧了,在《冬日恋歌》这个苦恋直到大结局才有一个算是较为完满的结局的片子中,第一次听到了ABBA的DANCING QUEEN,从此就很喜欢这支曲子。觉得是分朗朗上口,歌词简单,曲调明快。不过楼主介绍的这些都没有听过,在这里多谢了,我会欣赏一下的。

        关键词(Tags): #abba#dancing#queen


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