
主题:恋爱中如何识别和摆脱loser,男女都适用 -- coo

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          • 家园 我的理解


            Love is kind of some biology and chemical change in the enviroment... So in my opinion, having a long sex relationship is allowed, I just approving myself to follow it.

            I feel sad....

            I hate liability and debt. Old lover is just sort of thing like old taxpay bill ... store it for three to seven years , then in the tush bin...

            Ok, I get it . thanks

      • 家园 个人案例



      • 家园 woman was killed/face damage

        I guess that happened in China, most likely in northern China. The situation in States is entirely different. Here family violence is strictly forbidden and the husband could be thrown into jail, or prevent from going home if the wife makes such a request. Shouting or yelling is considered a kind of violence. Many Chinese males have such troubles when they have a family fight against their wives...

        So for Chinese males, they really have to open their eyes widely when they are choosing females as their wives.

        • 家园 YES, in CN

          Both should be very careful when looking for "the other half", "due care" at the beginning, then, 始不乱,终不弃, 慎始慎终,方为圆满。LIFE is not easy, so is love...

          • 家园 In reality, it becomes

            In reality, the situation is by far complicated, particularity to oversea Chinese. Cohabitation is more a proper word to describe the love affairs. It might be more than love that results in cohabitation. That is life, established by the facts around. Obviously let those people know how to manage relationship is quite necessary.

            • 家园 现实中



    • 家园 the way others are treated

      now, is how you will be treated (maybe)3/5/7/10 years later, just a matter of time...

      no love is permanent, since no woman could be permanent beautiful, and forever pretend to be weak, and shut up or stop thoughts and to be herself for too long...

      if not rich or free enough, don't gamble on LOVE, it's too heavy and may not be the price you are able to pay. try to stay awake and open-eye/mind as often and long as u can, to minimize possible loss in case...

      good friend first, then possible lover, is a right investment decision way... hehe, kidding...

      take care...

      • 家园 翻译





      • 家园 其实么,这个是做人的底线问题


        • 家园 吃亏?

          so surprised by the "word/definition"...

          when u love someone, it's so happy to be able to do s.th to make her/him happy, no complain at all...

          love is not a trade, (like marriage), there always be sunshine when u are in love, the whole life becomes new and meaningful because of another one, and a new world come to u due to the relationship... could there be any accounting measurement for love?

          it's said: u become a fool when in love, why? because no calculation, no rationality, like not in reality anymore... like a dream...

          so at least, the love already is not true and pure, or one of them has personality or characteristics issue, and then the TRADE starts to be measured, and then LOSS or benefit becomes issue/concern for some one, meaning it's time for one of them to WITHDRAW ASAP, not the right candidate for partner, time to change.

          Well, maybe i am too idealistic, just for discussion.

          Love is Beautiful, and really makes life happy and meaningful... Though might also deep hurt sometimes, it deserves when u meet someone that deserves ur love, good to experience then totally innocent--personal opinion... :-)

          good relationship should never lead to death, unless one met Mr. Wrong...

          Thanks for the post, and the discussion, :-), have a nice weekend!

          • 家园 fanyi









            • fanyi
              家园 Thank you for translation,:)

              Quote: "PS:因为太酸了,翻译到一半,我就哭了...


              I am sorry for being 太酸, and make u have to find icecream to cure...

              Thank you for helping to translate the posts. My computer doesn't have Chinese input system, and also, it's really time-consuming for me to type CN for I am not so good at Pingying, .

              Have a nice day, :-).

            • fanyi
              家园 一点感谢和补充--关于前世今生


              当一个人在真爱中时,为对方做的每件事,都是无怨无悔的全心的付出--风雨无阻,只要对方开心,就是你最大的快乐,TA的笑容是你最好的犒劳,咋么会去计较付出的多少,或谁爱谁更多呢?所以总有恋人讨论:爱与被爱,谁更幸运? 被爱一定是幸福的吗?



              有人说:当一个人恋爱时,TA会变得像个傻瓜,会毫无保留心甘情愿风雨无阻的付出,会因为对方的喜而喜乐,悲而悲,好似感同身受,没有算计,没有理性,好像做梦一般,云里雾里。。。然而,这,就是爱情。。。。。。所以,有人说现代社会最奢侈最昂贵最HARD TO AFFORD的,就是爱情/感情--真的伤心又伤身,劳命伤财,却还是有怨侣前赴后继,只有一声叹息--谁也拗不过命呀。。。只有时间,可能会慢慢消磨和改变一切。。。



              感谢您的讨论和指教,祝 愉快。

              • 家园 对于“吃亏“这个用词,稍有吃惊。





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