
主题:【请教】各位IT高手:计算机无法启动,该怎么办? -- 风雨声

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        • 家园 教训啊教训,系统盘怎么能丢呢?

          Window2000Pro好像原来有个网站可以下载的,不过不记得什么地方的了,我这里倒是有一套,要不你到我的FTP来下, 不过没有DELL的驱动程序就是拉。

    • 家园 Sounds like you had bad cluster on you

      hard drive.

      Couple of things you should or can do:

      1. Back up you data files on that hard drive if you haven't done that. Can you log into safe mode? If you can, then please log in and delete files in the recycle directories.

      2. After that you can either reformat that drive using proper software or just windows 2000 to avoid that bad clusters. Suggest you go for NTFS instead of FAT32.

      3. If your warranty is still valid, you can and should try to replace current hard drive. Not quite sure whether that will be free since my guess you bought your NB here in USA and now you are at HK, but give DELL a call.

      4. If Dell honor your warranty, they will give you refurbished hard drive instead of brand new one.

      5. If you have to do it yourself, you should check whether you have IT friend locally and ask them for such help since this should be a very easy task to replace the notebook hard drive. If you don't have that, you still can buy new hard drive from DELL and install it youself, not a big task.

      6. Let me know if you have other questions.

      • 家园 谢杭州兄,几个问题

        1 Sometime, I could boot the computer, like right now, though after many attempts. However, I searched the computer for the so called Recycle folder, and find it does not exist at all.

        2 London does not have a Dell service line here. Some one advised me to get online. Did you have similar online assistance experience?

        3 I throw all the system disks and CDs away when I moved from US to UK last year. What could I do?

        • 家园 My guesses:

          1. There might be just one bad cluster or one pointer in the FAT table corrupted, so that some time you still can boot up. But the problem will deteriate and eventually the hard drive will stop working since if you don't mark that spot bad, the system will continue to try to access that spot. So it's better to reformat the hard drive, which will mark the bad cluster and bypass it forever.

          2. I never did that before, I mean online tech support. But I think you should try it at least before you find the DELL local support number and your warranty deadline.

          3. You can order system CDs from Dell also, not very expensive though. You can also use other windows 2000 system CD to build a stand system first, then you can download DELL drivers from dell web site to make all hardware work for you. Though you have to use the same serial number for Windows 2000, which is not illegal for your case.

          • 家园 Thanks a bunch, buddy!

            No wonder I feel the computer behaves like a digruntled woman to me, sometimes fine, while other times in bad temper.

            Good advice. Will get in touch with them to order a new set.

            • 家园 Give me a ring when you need help

              You must abused your NB too much before.

              Give DELL a call and ask for the replacement and free shipping first. If they refuse, then you can make your offer by paying the extra shipping youself.

              Once you got your new hard drive,you can use your other windows 2000 system CD or borrow from someone to build the system up. You can use the service tag on the back of your notebook to create your account on DELL service site, which will tell your hardware list. You can download proper hardware drivers based on that list.

              Don't try to upgrad to XP, not worth it. XP will slow you down, and you will have to find many drivers yourself.

    • 家园 如果是硬件的问题,如果你现在在美国,并且电脑在保修期内的话

      直接打个电话给Dell,他们会给你个return number,然后让他们给你修就得了。Dell得服务还是比较好的,我以前电源坏了,也是还有几天在保修期内,告诉他们,他们一点废话没有就给我寄了个新的。


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