
主题:当务之急不是反腐败,而是防止精英淘汰和逐级博弈 -- wqnsihs

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          • 家园 如果我们真到可以参与制定规则,就不会这样了。
          • 家园 如果我们真到可以参与制定规则,就不会这样了。
        • 家园 当一个与今天美国鬼子一样强势的政权存在于世界上,-you

          clearly capture the essence of the China rise.

          It is just another empire, the Chinese empire.

          But most Chinese are not ready for this big transformation yet.

          • 家园 为什么现在就这么肯定呢,目前只是表现出一种趋势,

            我觉得老米实力大损,难道就损失到一定可以实现CHINESE Empire,我们在调整,老米也在调整,我们和老米物质上并没有拉大距离到足以...现在我们得到的是老米妥协,我们某些利益上换取到的,如果触碰到老米的核心利益呢?老米束手?

            • 家园 empires can coexist

              Before WWI and WWII, the World No. 1 and No.2 were UK and France. Look at how they divide today's middle-east--they coordinated quite well despite below-the-table dirty tricks against each other.

              There were English sphere of influence and French sphere of influence. There is respect of each other since each one's strength was limited.

              G-2 will be similar like that: America of course loves the one-polar world, but China is rising and needs its sphere of influence for both national security as well as economic security/prosperity. China used to only control Vietnam and North Korea. Now, it is eager to get more.

              All empires are the same historically. They only differ in names and lip service.

          • 家园 至少中层(司局长一级)已经有基本共识,目标就是这个
          • 家园 想到一首诗


            • 家园 this time it is different

              empire does not mean 率土之滨,莫非王臣 with a king.

              We will have a central group of elites, we will be an empire under a republic. There will be no one single king to answer to. We just wish that those self-elected elites can keep their national's welfare in mind.

              The center of this power siphons off resources, natural or non-natural, from around the world to ensure an improving life for Chinese. At the same time, people in the periphery enjoy some benefits in return from resource trading.

              America will not fade out quickly. So the world will have two empires, two centers of power for a while.

              The european center of power will be squeezed...

              Pax Chinois...

        • 家园 您的意思是我们活着能看到这一天。




          • 家园 中国人应该不会死于安乐,大概会死于扩张
            • 家园 正好接上宇宙殖民,于是就不会死与扩张了


              • 家园 从唐朝经验看来,中国这个民族在扩张时期是比较大大咧咧


                • 家园 外因是事物发展的条件



                  连周边的阿猫阿狗都来打脸,最典型的就是越南,金融危机时来借钱,现在大把买军火、还把南海问题扩大化、高调化。不断的打hw的脸,真爽。无敌国外患者,国恒亡。中国目前的进步,离不开美日印欧等 明着暗着的打压。 目前国家关注民生问题、给予老百姓民主权利,BBC NBC...没有“功劳”吗?。封建社会几千年来对老百姓生命、权利的漠视...............让暴风雨来得更猛烈些吧。

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