
主题:【砸砖】爱尔兰英语和加拿大英语 -- 牛铃

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    • 家园 你四十啦?


    • 家园 小牛是在国内出生的吧?



    • 家园 花。写得很好啊。你还真有心总结。

      好像那cheers使用在一般的致谢,比较随意,比如给司机说谢谢,但这也是他的工作(说cheer是一种礼貌) 。当正式感谢或比较认真的时后,还是用Thanks,Thank you.


      1.刚开始听英国人问我:you alright?时有点纳闷,心想自己明明好好的,为啥这样问我呢?

      后来也习惯了,也 you alright 了。

      2.还有英国比较(或装的)有点层次的人,去厕所不说:go to toilet。或: go to bathroom。

      而说: go to the loo。

      • 家园 这个loo真是英语呀?



        • 家园 嗯哪,waterloo滑铁卢就是抽水马桶。。。。。
        • 家园 是的,还是有文化和上层人的用法。

          用loo, 会显得你很高雅有文化,能另人刮目相看的

          • 家园 因为那是没有抽水马桶前大家用的东西., 和" 壶"



            The origin of the (chiefly British) term loo is unknown. According to the OED, the etymology is obscure, but it might derive from the word Waterloo. The first recorded entry is in fact from James Joyce's Ulysses (1922): "O yes, mon loup. How much cost? Waterloo. Watercloset".

            Other theories are:

            That it derives from the term "gardyloo" (a corruption of the French phrase gardez l'eau (or maybe: Garde de l'eau!) loosely translated as "watch out for the water!") which was used in medieval times when chamber pots were emptied from a window onto the street. However the first recorded usage of "loo" comes long after this term became obsolete.

            That the word comes from nautical terminology, loo being an old-fashioned word for lee. The standard nautical pronunciation (in British English) of leeward is looward. Early ships were not fitted with toilets but the crew would urinate over the side of the vessel. However it was important to use the leeward side. Using the windward side would result in the urine blown back on board: hence the phrases 'pissing into the wind' and 'spitting into the wind'. Even now most yachtsmen refer to the loo rather than the heads.

            That the word derives from the 17th century preacher Louis Bourdaloue. Bordaloue's sermons at the Saint Paul-Saint Louis Church in Paris lasted at least three hours and myth has it that wealthier ladies took along "travelling" chamber pots that could be hidden under their dresses whenever the need arose to avoid the need to leave. Due to the popularity of the myth the bowls became known as Bordaloues after the preacher and the name became corrupted to portaloos and sometimes just plain loos due to the habit of shortening words in slang.

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