
主题:【原创】猖狂的农村基督教及邪教 -- 子罕

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                              • 家园 我这次用英语回答你,因为我对宗教太了解了,并且因在西方

                                国家使我更了解的,还有我身边有数不清的基督徒(包括信的、不真信的),所以反而用英语更能表达我的关于西方的宗教的观点,请见谅。 我想你学识如此渊博,一定没问题可以明白我说什么。我以前不想跟你深入的谈,是因为我们本来谈的就是“中国现有的问题”, 其实我已回答了你的问题,但每一次你回帖都把讨论引向别处。还有你一味介绍我有关基督教的书,你也可以看看我上贴介绍你的书。

                                还有,我不是你所说的:一位年纪轻轻没有受过人文训练的青年人。 尽管,我希望我还年轻。你有点自我感觉有点太好了。。。。

                                好了, 下面是我的理解:

                                I see you are quoting books from around year 2000, the dead sea scrolls, root the old testament are well older than that,(3000 years old ??) but lets not get all excited about any religion that really believes the world is only 10,000 years old, some fundamentalist is always ramming their book down someone else’s neck.

                                Shall I get the bible down and quote a whole bunch off stuff to show some knowledge off? Might as well get two orthadox Jews to talk about being a Seihk, not really going to achieve much.

                                We each really live several thousand years, lifetime to lifetime, dissolving karma, and anyone who thinks they, as a human are so right, or true that they can stand next to the creator of the universe, after just ONE lifetime, needs to realise none of us are that worthy.

                                Young ??

                                I have lived more lives than some and less than others, and IF either of us were that pure, we would be having this conversation in the light, on the next level, not scratching around in the dark, in this physical realm.

                                Many paths, one destination, and no one way, is the only way, all religions are telling each other that ALL others will be going to go to hell, really, by that logic, we have several religions telling us that we are ALL going somewhere bad. No wonder so many people construct something negative to enter, on the next level between lives.

                                Another interesting difference between two well known main stream religions’, one says that their book was written by men "inspired by God", the other, that is was written by the actual creator of the universe, so their are many areas to disagree on, this would be a better world IF we focused on what we could agree on. Less assumptions and prejudices, we would all be better off.

                                We could both spend the next eight lifetimes discussing this, not something I am prepared to do, good luck finding your path, I have mine.


                                • 家园 开学后很忙



                                  William Strunk and E. B. White, Elements of Sytle.


                                  Joseph M. Williams, Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace.



                                  • 家园 我用英语是因为很多宗教书翻成中文的已有“偏差”了。。


                                    不过既然我们达成了一点“共识”, 谢谢你的祝福。


                            • 家园 还就我还在好言的花时间回你的贴, 也都快要失去耐心了


                • 家园 妹妹,在教义里面找逻辑关系


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